Saturday, February 11, 2012

It finally snowed!

We woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise. (And when I say this morning, I'm definitely talking about 4 am. Two guesses whose fault that was.) There was snow everywhere, and it was still snowing!

Anyway, T was really excited to make a snowman, although she did NOT want to take off her dress in order to do so. After we finally convinced her that playing in the snow was not a fancy dress activity, we were able to go have some fun.

We really weren't sufficiently prepared for playing in the snow, one of these years I'll buy my kids some actual snow clothes and gloves, etc. But the girls still had a ton of fun, and there really hasn't been enough snow this year to warrant that stuff anyway.

(Teresa's hat is from this butterfly costume, that she now thinks is the best thing ever)

It wouldn't be a true Teresa outing without this face:

She had snow stuck to the bottom of her boots. Oh, the horrors.

First snowman attempt...I don't think so, daddy...try again.

Much better. She was really excited to put a hat on her snowman.

Little miss sassy-pants, she walks around with her hand on her hips all the time.

T gave Nora some rides on the sled. She didn't love the return trip.

Sorry for the sideways videos! You would think I would remember not to turn my camera by now!

Nora's first (and only) time!

The girls had so much fun, but they were definitely ready to come inside and warm up after a few runs on the sled. I'm so glad we were able to get at least one decent snow in this winter!


fiona said...

Hahahahaa! Marcus's snowman!! hahaha!! I love it. It's super cute. The first one, I mean. The second one, too, but that mini lil' guy? Awesome! That's a great little hill right behind your house for sledding. Just perfect! Y'all are such a cute family. T's hat is so cool. She reminds me of a little alien, actually. The hand on the hip goes perfectly with the "whatever!" you were telling me about... It was fun talking to you and Tressa this evening! M was still talking about it when she went to bed, by the way, as we had our nightly chat :)

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh, fun!!! Nora seemed to enjoy her ride down. That is a very nice little hill :0) and your snowmen, Hahaha, they're the Coolest! Also, super love T's hat! Snow on the bottom of her boots!!! That can totally throw a girl off balance! I like your hat too, Tara, your eyes look so blue in that pic with you and Nora, Way cute!