Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nora turns one

Our little Nora turned one this week. I really can't believe how fast this year flew by, despite my resolutions to savor every second of Nora's babyhood and not rush her along her milestones like I did with T. Turns out babies just keep getting older no matter what you do, I guess. Nora is so awesome, I was laughing at myself the other day for how worried we both were, right before she was born, that we wouldn't love her as much as we love Teresa. How could we not?

For her actual birthday we took her out for a first birthday pancake. Since we did that with T on her first birthday we decided to make it a tradition. She loved it!

T was funny, she was sooooo excited for her pancakes, until Marc and I got our food, which had broccoli on it. As soon as she saw it she started begging for our broccoli and wouldn't eat any more of her pancakes. She did take a nice big slurp of straight syrup, though, so I think that made up for it ;).

Drinking "birthday smoovies"

We had Nora's first present set up for her to find when she came downstairs in the morning. After seeing how much both girls loved Aoife's ball pit, we knew it would be the perfect gift for Nora's birthday.

The T helped me decorate Nora's cake. She actually did a pretty good job with all her squiggles and such.

She did all the squiggles and candy placement, and I just went in with the border and Nora's name and the hearts.

And of course Nora loved it. She mostly ate the frosting and then made a big mess out of the rest of it. And then rubbed as much of it in her hair as possible.

And the videos:

After a quick bath it was present time!

Teresa was a big helper.

Nora has had some serious baby envy for the past few weeks. She was always trying to get T's baby doll (Zoe), and when we took her to the store to look at them she got so excited about this one. It's the same as T's only in a blue outfit - T keeps calling it Nora's 'blue Zoe'.

She loves it! She's been sleeping with it since, and just gets the biggest smiles when she sees it.

T got to open a big sister present too.

Here she is sporting the extra braids from her Rapunzel doll.

Overall I think Nora had a pretty good day :). Teresa kept randomly giving her hugs and saying happy birthday to her, it was so sweet. We sure love our little Nora.


Aislinn said...

Aww...happy first birthday, Nora!!! Love the post...she looks SO happy with her baby doll! So cute! She really got into that cake too, huh? Love sweet T helping to decorate the cake! Way to let go of the control and help her feel successful, Tara! You're such a good mommy!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Happy First Birthday, Nora!!! Oh, I super Love the videos. I was cracking up at T in the last one, she's so cute! Nora was Really into that cake! I'm so glad they love the ball pit so much! I think my favorite picture is Nora standing up holding her blue Zoe baby with that awesome smile on her face! and what a cute little rocking pony! Nice :0) Love you, Nora!!! And Sweet T and Tara and Marcus!

fiona said...

Oh, those are awesome videos! Video 1: I loved M's commentary, haha! And the funky sound in her throat that Nora can do. Video 2: Soooo cute how Nora's looking at T getting fingerfuls of frosting! Video 3: Hahahah! Tressa is soooo nonchalant here! It cracks me up! Super cute videos! Looks like Nora had a fabulous 1st birthday. Her cake is really lovely. I like the two different styles of decorating... they mesh well. I LOVE the pic of Nora licking her huge pancake plate. What a fun birthday for a precious little ONE-year old!

David said...

Dad & I loved this post and the 3 videos ... it's funny how N is laughing at T taking the bits of her cake and not complaining that it is HER piece ... tho', soon enough, she was being fed the fingerfull bits, and wasn't T brave to stick her fingers into that li'l mouth with teeth!!! So, was it T who wanted to ditch her pancakes for your broccoli ... or was it N? Thanks for all those very cute pics of your very cute little girls. Love you all... Mom (Dad too) xox

Tara said...

It was T that wanted the broccoli. She just really loves it I guess, her pancakes even had chocolate chips in them and she still preferred the broccoli!