Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dress up and potty news

Like most almost-three-year-olds, Teresa loves to dress up. We've gotten to the point where she fights me every time I try to get her to wear pants. I can usually convince her to wear some when we leave the house but only with the promise that she can take them off as soon as we get home. And then the whole time we are out she says stuff like "we will go home and I will take off my pants" and "guys, I'm pretty sure when we get home I'm gonna take my pants off". She even complains about wearing leggings under her skirts, little rascal. I'll be glad when spring is here so I won't have to insist on the pants wearing all the time.

This Sleeping Beauty dress was supposed to be for her birthday, but I was really excited when it got here, so I gave it to her early. Now you know why Marc has banned me from doing any more birthday shopping until closer to May.

It's way too long, but she is in love with it.

Marc's mom sent the girls some cute dresses, and T's came with a matching one for her doll. She was thrilled! She had to wear it right away, and lots of days since. The one nice thing (and I really do mean the ONLY nice thing) about having church so late this year is that now we have time for photo shoots before church when the girls are all dressed up. These pictures were taken the day before Nora's birthday

Modeling is hard work sometimes...

Nora gets really excited about dresses, too, more than T did at her age, I think her big sister is rubbing off on her!

I'm in love with this one!

And here's T in her brand-spankin'-new Belle dress that she earned by finally going poo on the potty all by herself.

This was the big bribe for quite awhile, she would repeat daily "Teresa will go poo on the potty and then she will get a Belle dress!", and yesterday she finally did it. And now she is a pooping pro, I'm so proud of her.

Monday morning she just woke up ready to be done with diapers, the first thing she asked to do was pee on the potty and she has been doing awesome since. I guess we really did just have to do things on her time table. I do think that all the encouraging and begging and making her sit on the potty leading up to her decision helped her get ready for it. But once she decided to do it, she has really committed. She's only had one tiny accident in the past three days, and even when I've put a diaper on her to go out or at bedtime she has stayed dry and waited until she can use a bathroom.

Tonight when we went to get her dress was the first time (besides a small trip to the park) that she wasn't in a diaper away from home. In the car I reminded her that big girls don't pee in their panties, and she said "I know, I will only go pee pee in the potty and not in my panties".

I told her the other day that I was really proud of her, and that she was so awesome for using the potty and she said "wow, that is really nice of you to say that!".


Melissa said...

Wow! Way to go T!! I was just wondering how potty training was going. I am still not ready to start with my little guy. He will usually go in the potty before his bath, but that is about it and he never asks to use the potty.

I love all the things she says! And now that we got to see you guys at Christmas, I can even hear her sweet voice!

And of course all the pictures are adorable!! I LOVE the one of Nora looking up. You have some beautiful babies!!

pauline said...

Awww, we love all those beautiful pictures ... and you are so good at taking them. The dresses are SO cute, and the matching dolly dress too! The princess dresses are just lovely as well ... T'll grow into the pink one ... the Belle one seems to be a closer fit right now. N is such a pretty little baby ... her hair looks almost reddish blonde... and we can't believe how long T's hair is even in the curls ... straigtened out, it must be quite long. Nice pic of Marc too! Good to know that the potty training is going well ... I suppose you are grateful that we didn't have access to such amazing media when you were a little rascal, so that you could read-all-about-it now ...heeheehee. Thanks for sharing! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

pauline said...

Awww, we love all those beautiful pictures ... and you are so good at taking them. The dresses are SO cute, and the matching dolly dress too! The princess dresses are just lovely as well ... T'll grow into the pink one ... the Belle one seems to be a closer fit right now. N is such a pretty little baby ... her hair looks almost reddish blonde... and we can't believe how long T's hair is even in the curls ... straigtened out, it must be quite long. Nice pic of Marc too! Good to know that the potty training is going well ... I suppose you are grateful that we didn't have access to such amazing media when you were a little rascal, so that you could read-all-about-it now ...heeheehee. Thanks for sharing! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

I love her new dress and matching doll dress! So cute. Nora's too. Beautiful pictures! Maybe turning one has suddenly affected N, because she looks so much older in those Sunday pics! That's great that T's doin' it all in the potty, now! I like how she acknowledged how nice you were to say you were proud of her, haha!! Ohhh, the princess dresses. How fun! I hear you on the pants and leggings thing. About 50% of the time here, I have to tell N to go put on pants or legging before we go out in the snow! (Not when we're playing in the snow, just outside to go somewhere). She doesn't complain, or talk about how she'll take 'em off when we get home (haha!), but she's ready for plain skirts, too.