Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentines/Birthday Party

We had a little combined Valentines/Birthday party the day after Nora's birthday. We invited all of T and Nora's little friends over for some Valentine's Day treats and to decorate cookies. Teresa was so excited all week about her friends coming over. She loves to have people over, anytime we paint or do any crafts she asks if her friends can come do it with her, so this was right up her alley.

Nora and her little buddy:

Just a little hair bow envy...

Teresa loved Nora in her little birthday dress. She kept calling her Princess Nora, and complimenting her on her princess dress.

Nora got her hands on a sucker, and Ian was more than happy to help her out:

Aren't they so cute together? He loves her, Nora always gets lots of sweet hugs and kisses from him. I was standing by his mom and he just leaned over and put his arm around Nora. She happily returned the gesture.

Seriously, I just think they are so adorable together! We pretty much already have the wedding planned :).

My tired babe. Or maybe she's just bummed that Ian left?

Some more little cuties:

Jealous Nora had to sit in my lap when she saw me holding Dalia:

Mina's mom always gives her the coolest hairstyles, isn't this one so cute?

T was excited to get her hair done the same way. She sat so perfectly still for Mina's mom to do it - pretty much the exact opposite of how she acts when I try to do her hair.

The next few days she kept saying "do I have hair just like Mina's?". I seriously need to practice doing it this way myself, it looks so cute, and I love how it keeps the hair out of her face!
Anyway, the girls had a great time at the party. Nora was a little overwhelmed with all the people at first, but she warmed up quickly and really enjoyed herself. Teresa keeps saying "did my friends come over and decorate cookies with me?".

In related news, Nora had her one year check up this week. She weighed in at 17lbs 2 oz. She was 16lbs 12 oz at her 9 month. I was really hoping she had gained more weight, but I guess somewhere in the midst of her FOUR bouts with the stomach flu she just had trouble packing any weight on. She seriously eats like a horse most of the time, but it took her about two weeks to get her appetite back after her last little stomach bug, and I think that totally sabotaged her. Unfortunately her lack of weight gain led the doctor to officially diagnose her with "abnormal weight gain" and "failure to thrive".

Seriously? Failure to thrive?

I just think that sounds a little harsh. Poor little thing had to have her blood drawn (from both arms!), and they're running all the tests they need to in order to determine if there is a reason behind her "failure".

I honestly think Nora is just a petite little thing, and there is nothing wrong with her, but I guess it will be nice to know for sure once we get the results back. I'm probably 10% worried that there might be a medical reason, but that's just my parental paranoia coming through. She did say if everything came back clean she would stop bugging us so much about Nora's weight, or lack thereof. In the mean time she suggested I inundate Nora with whole milk and a bunch of other animal products, which is mostly not going to happen. But I do have lots of other plans for fattening her up. I'll let you know how it goes.


Aislinn said...

The party looks like it was so much fun! Mina's mom was nice to do T's hair for her...looks so cute! We have that same "Chicks Dig Me" shirt that Ian is wearing, too! :D Poor Nora and her blood drawn arms...hugs for her. :( I just know she's a-ok, and I hope the bloodwork satisfies the doctor! You're an amazing mom and she's THRIVING just fine...she's just petite!

David said...

Those are great pics and what a nice and fun-looking party indeed. So funny ... how Ian is very attentive to little Nora ... and she is so nice about it all... he looks a bit older. I have been feeling badly for her too, having those likely-unnecessary blood drawing experiences, poor little thing. I love the hair-band-type braid T and M are wearing ... is it a variation of french braid? Thanks! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Tara said...

It is a french braid - she just started it above one ear and braided it across to the other one. She's still wearing it today, and claims that she will sit still for me to try it, so we will see :)

Carolyn said...

I was in the hospital for 3 days for failure to thrive. They never found anything on me either although mine I believe was related to the turners we found later. I am glad they didn't want to hospitalize her. Guess the test have gotten better in the last 30 years.

fiona said...

Awwww, Nora and Ian are sooo cute! What a fun party. I love the French braid thing. My poor girls. I need to branch out hair-wise... That's so sad that N had to have blood drawn from both arms! Nuala is still super traumatized by getting blood drawn last March. Still talks about it. (More so now that I let drop that they might have to all get blood drawn this summer. "Might" really means "for sure"...)

the Jorgensens said...

This was such a fun party. But, it really makes me miss Mina's long hair. I can't believe I cut off as much as I did!
I love your girls so much! Seriously they bring a smile to my face every time I see them!