Saturday, October 31, 2009

Teresa, Ciaran, and an Avocado. Oh, and T turns 5 months old...

I guess I blinked too long, because all of a sudden I have a five month old! I can't believe it! One of the baby books I was reading referred to this age as "your older baby". Umm, no way, she is so NOT an older baby. Not yet, please. Anyway, here we are on her 5th month birthday.

It's okay, I know it's cheesy...

I decided to go ahead and start T on solids (well, on mush, really. Nothing she's eaten yet has really been solid...) this month. I had originally planned to wait until six months, but she's just been so darn interested in everything we, she's been really, really hungry lately. Aislinn and I thought it would be fun to have a little 'first solids' party with Teresa and Ciaran, so while they were in Boerne this week for a home school field trip we broke out the avocado.

Right before. They have no idea what's coming...

First bites...

Not sure what to think...

Teresa really wanted to grab the avocado...and, unfortunately, I kept forgetting to hold her hands down before going in with another bite. So she was able to grab several handfuls of the green can see it got everywhere...hands, knees, feet, all over the bouncy seat.

Some of it got in her mouth, too, I think...

She was pretty receptive to it, I think she liked it more than these pictures indicate. Ciaran had some awesome faces too - he is so stinkin cute! She's had some banana now too, that wasn't quite as messy as the avocado, and we finally bought some rice cereal, so I guess we'll see how she feels about that next.

She's getting so big, we had fun sitting on the floor watching her creep all over the place last night. She's starting to push with her knees more, instead of just dragging herself with her arms, and is such a little mover. She won't stay still if she's on her tummy now. I bought our plane tickets to go see Marcus this next week, so we'll see if he recognizes our sweet little girl. She has changed so much since he left, I'm so excited for him to get to see her again. She's twice the age she was when he left!


Rob and Erin said...

Wow! Colin is totally enthralled by this post! He was very excited to see the "beebees" but then got concerned at the looks on their faces, lol! "oh no" They are so cute! What a fun time to share together. Avocado, Yum! Ciaran does have some awesome faces! Teresa looks like she's enjoying it...for the most part, lol! They are so funny and so sweet, I can't believe they're five months! and I'm so excited for Marcus to see her again! and You of course, it's so hard having him gone. Oh, Liam and Brigit really liked it too, they can't wait to see their cousins :0) Brigit was interested to see Teresa's hemangioma under her chin, Brigit had one right thereish too, but it has faded a lot. Okay, long comment, sorry! Love you guys!

Rob and Erin said...

I love the swing pictures too! Especially the one where you're kissing her. Nice Halloween outfits!

fiona said...

Happy 5 months! don't blink so long, Tara! Before you know it, you'll be saying how many YEARS old she is, instead of months... I'm glad she liked the avocado; those pictures are so cute! How fun that the two of them get to experience this fun stuff together :) I LOVE that she was just grabbing her toes in that pre-food pic...nothing else interesting going on, gotta go for the toes! Ah, I just love the faces they're making! Ciaran looks like he's totally contemplating the new experience -- which he is, of course! And cute "cheesy" pics, too :) You've gotta have some of those!

Ricky and Laurie Leiser said...

I think Marcus will be able to notice his pretty little girl... the question is... will the two of YOU recogize Marcus! I remember seeing both of my brothers fresh out of graduation. and wow.... they almost looked like strangers, completely diffrent people. Marcus will be really slim, then the next time you see him, he will be all chizzled. haha. they start to use spare time to 'get buff'. It will be fun for you to see him for 'the first time.' Have fun! (and those little boogers grow sooooooooo fast! mine is 14 months next week!?!)

Melanie said...

Um, I remember life with Miranda, and it's such a magical time... all your life is centered around this tiny little person, and you're allowed to be as cheesy as you want to! And if we're not good enough friends to want to read your cheese, then good riddance, right? She is growing up so fast!!! And I'm so happy for you to be able to see Marcus. =)

Aislinn said...

I love the label on the first eating pic..."they have no idea what's coming..." LOL! They were sooo funny to watch! I LOVE where Teresa is grabbing her stinkin' cute! Aw, it was fun feeding them together. You look great in the "cheesy" pics, too. Those are important pics to have!

David said...

Yes, it was pretty exciting watching the first food episode. Their faces reflected "WHAT? not nursing milk flavoured?" They are a cute little pair... thanks for sharing, Tooks ... Love, Mom xox