Sunday, November 8, 2009


Marcus graduated from Basic Training! Teresa and I flew out to South Carolina this past week to attend. Teresa was a dream on the first plane, she was just perfect. She nursed during take off, so her ears wouldn't pop much, and then she was happy and playful for a while, until she fell asleep next to me for the rest of the flight. I had to wake her up for landing, and she was all smiles for that part too. She was pretty much the exact opposite on the next flight. Although, I'm thinking the main reason for that was because our plane from Atlanta to Columbia was one of those tiny little Delta Connections planes. I know I felt the pressure changes a lot more on that plane, so I'm sure Tressa did too. Coming back she did pretty well, she squawked a bit on the last leg of our flight, I think she was just done with the whole traveling thing by then. People were SO helpful the whole time we were traveling, we had lots of help from random people at the airport.

Playing at the Atlanta airport

Thanks goodness for our GPS...pretty much the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, top three, at least. Because Teresa wasn't very helpful when it came to finding our way from the airport to our hotel, and then to Fort Jackson.

Thursday was Family Day. We started out in a big auditorium, where we sat on ridiculously uncomfortable benches for over an hour because we were told it started at 9:00 am, but it really started at 10:00. They started the program with a prayer (shh, don't tell the liberals...), which was nice, and then they had a little slide show with pictures from training. Which I thought was nice, but it would have been nicer if they had just let us go then to see our soldiers in real life. They introduced all the drill sergeants and important people, and talked about stuff for another 15 minutes or so before they excused us and we got to go find Marcus. We got to spend the rest of the day together, but couldn't leave base.

I'll just warn you now that there are about a million pictures in this post...

Feeding T her bottle. She doesn't get a bottle very often, but she loves it. She gets VERY upset when it's empty. And don't even think about taking it away from her if there's still something in it...

Teresa was pretty interested in the trees...she had to taste the leaves, which she (surprisingly) didn't like.

Marc and Teresa in front of our tiny, tiny rental car.

The next day was graduation. It was freezing! We were totally under-prepared, since the day before was nice and warm, and the news said it would be the same way on Friday. It wasn't. It was super windy and cold. Luckily, some nice people sitting near us gave us a blanket to use. They had a little more than 1200 soldiers graduating. The little ceremony was really short, they just talked for a little while, presented a few awards, and then had the soldiers march by us. I tried getting a picture of when Marc was going by, but Tressa was not cooperating, and my fingers were frozen, so I was unsuccessful. Here are some other soldiers, though, so you can just pick one and imagine that it's Marcus.

Teresa had so much fun finally getting to hang out with her Daddy again! I think she recognized who he was. She didn't really show any preference for me over him, except for once after waking up from a nap. I think she was a little confused then. Marcus got to re-figure out how to change her diaper. I guess I should have helped him put her tights back on...I think she looks a little concerned in some of them ;)

We celebrated Marc's 27th (wow!) birthday while we were there. It's actually today. Happy Birthday Marcus! We went to Outback, where Marcus had a partially cooked steak and Teresa had a bottle. For his birthday, I let Marc change Teresa's blow out. You know you're jealous.

We forgot to have someone take a picture of all three of us, and T doesn't know how to work the camera yet, so we had to use the self timer.

Teresa was all kinds of tired at the end of the day

South Carolina was beautiful, and we had so much fun visiting Marcus and seeing him graduate! I'm so proud of him, I know Basic Training was really, super hard, and all three of us are glad it's over with!


David said...

Congratulations Marcus and Tara and Teresa! You look great Marcus, guess the pt agrees with you. Nice of Tara to let you have a little bonding time with that diaper blow out. Tara and Teresa look really happy seeing Marcus again!
Love ya, Dad and Mom.

Rob and Erin said...

Congratulations, Marcus!!! And Tara and Teresa! I'm super impressed with your navigation, gotta love GPS! Teresa looks so darling in all of her outfits, especially with those cute headbands :0) Also, Happy Birthday, Marcus! 27, getting up there, you don't look it though, you look so young in all your pictures. The ones on the blanket are so sweet and then Marcus practically disappears with his camo in the tree pictures. Very cool hat.

fiona said...

Congratulations!! And Marcus, you look GREAT! I'm so glad y'all got to be together finally, not for long, of course, but still... I really like the hat, too :) And good job on all the navigating, etc., Tooks! Little T is so cute, I'm glad she survived M's re-learning how to diaper her again...and the tights! haha! Guess they didn't practice that stuff too much in training... ;) Happy bday, Marcus!

Marc said...

I think I was sick the day we worked on tights in training. :) It was great being with my girls even though I could have used a lot more time with them. I think Teresa and Tara were particularly beautiful. Luckily, we'll get more time now that I'm in FL and hopefully we'll get to see more of the sights than we did in SC.

Marc said...
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pauline said...

First things first ... HAPPY 27TH BIRTHDAY MARCUS!!! You do indeed look great in all of them. Basic training may have been hard, but you have some good results to show from all the hard work. Your girls loved being there ... and had fun for the two days you got together. It'll be good to see you next month. Little Teresa looks so cute in all the pics, and of course she loves being outdoors! Nice pics of Marcus & Tara too... Tara did well with the rental car in unfamiliar territory (she got that from her mother :) )
Love, Mom R (Dad too) xox

Melanie said...

Happy birthday Marcus! And I'm so happy that you were together -- What a wonderful trip that must have been! So happy.

Aislinn said...

What a great achievement!!! But wait...where is Marcus in those pictures and who is that studly, skinny, bald guy you gals are schmoozing with??? ;o)Just kidding! (And you were studly before too, Marcus!)

So excited that you get to see each other at Thanksgiving, too!!! Happy birthday, Marcus, we talked about you and sang to you yesterday...and wished we could have sung to you in person!

zachariah said...

Congrats Marcus!!