Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Inferno

So there Tara and I were, visiting my cousin in Pleasant Grove when we saw a huge plume of smoke rising a few miles away. Being the adventurers that we are, we hopped in the car and went to the source of the smoke: a house engulfed in flames.

It was difficult to get close because of the traffic in the area as everyone else wanted to see the show too. When we arrived, the house was just beginning to take off but it became a large flaming box in no time. We were eventually asked to back away and stand on the opposite side of the street but you could still feel the heat and the rumble of destruction. If you've never seen a building/house fire in person, there's nothing like it.

It turned out that the house fire was staged by the fire department so that they could practice. I can't imagine larger departments having the downtime or lacking the experience to need something like this. It kind of made me want to be a fireman but since Tara has seen Ladder 49 thats a no.

Below are some short video clips for your enjoyment. You can hear how much the neighborhood kids enjoyed it.


Rob and Erin said...

Wow,that was amazing! and to think you just stumbled upon it. The kids are really enjoying the videos! Liam says it "looks sooo cool! He's also impressed with your expressed desire to be a fireman. He shares the sentiment! He just informed me that he also wants to be an astronaut. We'll see. Anyway, Nice footage!!! I'm so glad it wasn't someone's home on fire, I wouldn't have been able to "enjoy" it.

fiona said...

That is huge!! Makes me a little more appreciative of our cement house here, it probably couldn't burn that quickly or gigantically...though it's a huge pain for hanging pictures on the walls. I'm actually kinda cold right now, and your videos made me feel warm. Thanks ;)

zachariah said...

Cool, I like fire (said at the risk of looking like a pyromaniac). I toyed with being a fire man before I started the current gig. I still think it would be an exciting job, slightly dangerous, but life isn't life without a little danger.

Tara said...

Yeah, I felt a little awkward watching it when I thought it was just someone's house...they just did the same thing to a house here in Springville, they were tearing it down to build a new city hall type building, so they did a fireman training thing...

pauline said...

hi t&m.....nice pics and great video. I enjoyed the "scenery" too... it beats watching the match burn out after lighting (all!) Dad's birthday candles... Love mom (dad too) xox