Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dry Clean Only?

One night while Marcus was at work, he rescued a poor cold, stray kitty from the snow, and brought him home, even though I told him not to because he is allergic and our landlords had just specifically told us that we couldn't have a cat...anyway, we fed and watered the cat for a while before he disappeared, hopefully to a home where he was actually allowed to go inside (we quit letting him inside after he started giving Marcus a rash every time he touched him...). He was a really cute white kitty when he first came to live with us. He apparently really liked to get dirty though. We would see him rolling in the ditches outside our house, and he would always come home with big black grease marks on his back. Eventually, it was kind of gross to pet him, since he was all gritty and dirty all the time. So...we decided he could probably use a bath. The poor guy was not very happy about it, but at least we got most of the dirt and grease off. Well, he still had one grease patch on his rear that apparently needed some extra hard scrubbing, but we didn't want to keep him wet for too long...here are some pictures, he looks very sad and pathetic...

I was a little worried his fur would stay all mussed up and spiky after it dried, but luckily he went back to being normal looking, and practically white again.

Hmm...maybe that's the reason he disappeared about a week later...

also, I just noticed the dates on our camera are waaaaaaaaay off, so I guess I should fix that...these pics are actually from April of this year, not 2005.


fiona said...

You almost have to think there's something odd about a cat that let's himself stay dirty! Or herself, in the case of Queenie...I'm sorry Tigre abandoned y'all, and I'm even more sorry Marcus is so allergic! Life without cats is just plain sad. Kidding, I'm sure you two will still find happiness and fulfillment somehow! haha! Seriously, the resemblance to Runt is uncanny...

zachariah said...

Finnigan used to like to roll in the sand left on the street after a snow storm... then run inside and shake it all off.