Monday, May 19, 2008

Misadventures in camping

This past weekend we had plans to go camping with our upstairs neighbors...unfortunately they had to leave town for a funeral, so Marc and I decided we would just go on our own. Marcus actually didn't have to work Friday night, which was exciting, so we headed up into the mountains around 5:30. We found a great camping spot, after a little bit of hiking, and set up our tarp and sleeping bags. We didn't have a tent, but we didn't really think we would need one...Anyway, we had a really fun evening building a fire and cooking dinner outside and enjoying the sunny weather. We'd both had a really long week, so we were glad to just be able to relax. Since I've never been camping in the mountains before, I totally didn't think we would even need our sleeping bags, since the weather was so nice and warm. Then it got dark. And ridiculously cold. Needless to say, we were WAY under prepared for how cold it got. We didn't wear or bring warm clothes, and only one of our sleeping bags was warm enough. Well, it was warm enough until you fell asleep and shifted enough to let the freezing air in...We both ended up awake for most of the night, I think we got about two hours of sleep all together. We finally gave up around 5:30 in the morning and hiked back out to our car, to go home to sleep on our much more comfortable bed. Next time we will definitely bring a tent. Cots don't sound too bad either, as the ground was less than comfortable...


fiona said...

Hahahaha!!'d almost think you were a couple of warm-weather Texans camping in the mountains or something...Sounds like the pre-sleeping part was fun, though! Wow. Our family is not having a good camping streak. Go next weekend and break it! (um...don't forget a tent. And warm clothes. And I'm still laughing at you.)

Rob and Erin said...

Hahahahahaha! That's awesome! Way to go y'all. Truly a wonderful experience to be recounted for generations to come. You could probably use it in a talk too and lessons for your 8 year olds :0)

Tara said...

Yeah, I was thinking of your camping experiences when we were packing up too. I told Marcus that he's completely to blame, since he's been camping in Utah before...thanks Erin, I guess it does make for a good life lesson :)

Melissa said...

At least it didn't rain too. The only two times William and I have been camping together I was pregnant and it rained. Hmmm, maybe that's why we haven't gone in about 9 years? I am willing to try again this summer as long as we have an air conditioned cabin to sleep in. I don't mind cooking over a fire and sleeping on the floor, but in Texas sleeping in a tent in the summer is suicide! Good luck next time you two try!

Carolyn said...

So fun. I know it is almost June and I stilllll need my jacket. ugh.

zachariah said...

Isn't Marcus an Eagle Scout... well without going into all the ways you already know you could have prepared... there are other ways to stay nice and warm now that your married you know.

pauline said...

Hi T&M.... I am sorry you were so's no fun waking up and not having a nice hot water bottle or something like that Next time...... Love, Mom (Dad too) xox