Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So, this is our blog...

We thought we'd get on the blog train and make one. SO...I know you're all excited to read our blog daily and find out all the exciting things we are doing...(although I doubt there will be daily updates, we don't really do THAT much exciting stuff.)


fiona said...

Ha! This is great!! AND, I'm your first comment EVER! I am so cool. I look forward to more posts! :) And I love your title thingy, that's always the best reason to do anything. (Z just asked if that is a picture of your house. He wants to live in a lighthouse.)

Oliver said...

I'm a friend of Fiona and Zachariah's, and an avid blogger. Don't let Fiona guilt you into blogging. Just try it for a while. You'll like. And the bloglove will roll.

Aislinn said...

LOL, Tara! Fiona coerced you into it, huh? Children or not, I'm sure you'll find lots to blog about until you have some to provide the entertainment for you. ;o) You always have entertaining stories when I talk to you. Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself...we don't mind. ;o)

Carolyn said...

Hey good to see you on here. Besides being on of my best friends little sisters, you are an amazing gal. I look forward to reading your stuff.

JnR said...

Yippee! another jumped on the blog train, why won't Erin jump? I'm glad to see you started a blog, think of it as a journal and don't worry about thinking you have nothing to say, it's a blog it can be about anything! Do flashbacks or there are tons of getting to know you lists or things you didn't know about me lists, I can't wait to get to know you and Marcus better, love the banner by-the-way, I can't even figure out how to do a picture in there!

As for not having kids and therefore not as much to write about, I sorta agree with you on that, you can only go so far with pets, none the less I think there is still plenty to blog about!

MarciaAnne said...

I don't have kids to write about, but I still find stuff to post. This last month is not a good representation, I was not able to find good time to post what I had to write. Oh and I work with kids, so I guess I do "have kids to write about". In any case, good luck.

RondaJo said...

I'm excited to see you have a blog. You may not think you are exciting but the rest of us think so. :-)

pauline said...

yeah T&M!!! good job on starting the blog.... we've enjoyed reading it, and seeing the pics! Love you, Mom (Dad too) xox