Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sesame Place

We took the girls and went up to Philadelphia this weekend. Mainly to go to Sesame Place, which is a Sesame Street themed amusement park out that way. Turns out there's a pretty sweet program called Here's to the Heroes that gives up to 4 free tickets to military members to Sesame Place, Busch Gardens, or Sea World. Of course T loves her some Sesame Street, so we decided to go to Sesame Place. It was only about a two and a half hour drive from here, and was about 30 miles out of Philadelphia. Teresa loved it, she couldn't stop talking about it when we got to our hotel that night. I was holding her foot, trying to help her go to sleep and she was just chattering about meeting Elmo and all the rides and giving me a run down of our whole day.

She really loved all the rides. She was very nervous at the beginning of each one, but ended up enjoying them and when they were done she kept repeating "So much fun on the ride".

Here's her first ride:

Teresa was so excited to climb on this net, but once she actually got on she didn't like it and just froze like this until Marc was able to carry her back to safety:

We went on a few more rides, and then we met Elmo! She was so excited. The line to meet him was ridiculous, but she toughed it out.

After that we went to a live Elmo show. T and Nora were both totally enthralled by Elmo and Mr. Noodle and all the dancing. Teresa really got into it and was up dancing on her bench a ton.

We tried to ride the carousel when we first got there, but it was having mechanical difficulties, so we didn't end up getting to ride it until the end of the day. So I'm totally blaming the following pictures on how tired Teresa was.


I just think their carousel horses are so cute! Nora, at least, loved the carousel, but Marc ditched with her pretty much before it stopped moving, so I didn't get a picture of them on their cute bench :(.

We also saw Bert and Ernie, but T wasn't interested in standing in line to see them. I was pretty bummed we hadn't seen Cookie Monster while we were there, he is T's second favorite character, but we lucked out and he came out right when we were headed out to the car. (Marc had seen him earlier - he literally ran right into him when he was getting Nora's bottle from the stroller before Elmo's show)

While we were taking the picture T was saying "Cookie Monster NOT have any cookies?" She was pretty bummed, and kept mentioning that fact the rest of the night, too. We couldn't find Big Bird at all, and we heard about that the rest of the night too. "See Elmo, and Cookie Monster, and Cookie Monster NOT have any cookies, and not get to see Big Bird..." etc.

Tired Nora on the way to the car:

They were both asleep before we even got out of the parking lot:

So, despite having to pay SIXTEEN dollars in tolls in order to get there, it was a pretty fun day.


pauline said...

oh, they are so cute ... it's been a while since we saw pics of them ... it looks like T's hair has gotten more blonde ... and all those great curls! Little N has some wild hair ...guess the wind was blowing! It did look like fun... glad you got to go. Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

I'm cracking up at T just perched there, all petrified, on the net! And about how... traumatized? (not quite the word I'm looking for -- it's late here! -- but the meaning is close) she was by Cookie Monster not having cookies! The nerve of him. Poor her on the cute Sesame Street pony, too. Those are awesome shots :D She looks so cute and sweet and shy-ish meeting Elmo! Big day for little T...big day. And, um, Nora is even huger! What, is she growing every day or something? She looks sooo so tired in that pic on the way to the car! Sesame Place sounds fun, I'm glad the girls and you and Marc enjoyed it so much! (Good thing it was free, what with those pricey tolls...seriously! I remember driving up to NY from VA. It was expensive.)

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Wow! What lucky girls! Seriously though, NO cookies?! That's awesome that she kept telling the story over again! She's such a cutie! Look at Nora!, she does look super tired! and those horses were really cute, wow, I never knew this awesome place existed. You definitely tired them out! Okay I LOVE the picture of T during Elmo's live show. She's so beautiful. And there's Marc right there too enjoying the show. Oh, and I so Love the meeting Elmo pictures. Her face is priceless. And the net is really big, it would be pretty intimidating.

Super Rad! I bet she'll remember mtg Elmo forever.