Friday, September 16, 2011


Swinging and giggling from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Can you guess what T had for dinner tonight? Ten points for the first correct answer...


David said...

I guess "chicken nuggets", do I win? T is a good swing pusher and content to do so. Great giggling and laughing! That is the first time I have heard T call Marc "Poppy". Mom and I had a great laugh. Thanks for sharing,
love, Mom and Dad xoxoxoxo

Tara said...

Yes, you win ten points! She's actually saying "Where's my puppy?" - someone had brought their big, lovely dog to the park and T kept talking to him and patting him and calling him her puppy, so she was really bummed when they left and kept asking where he was :)

Melissa said...

LOVE the laughing!! I am glad T liked her shirt. My little man wore his today also and he got really excited when I showed him the email of T.
I can hardly wait to get T and my mini man together. We are going to have a FUN Christmas!! I am anxious to love on little Nora!

fiona said...

I TOTALLY knew she said "puppy" and was talking about someone else's dog! I should win some points, too... Okay, this was an adorable video! Nora is just having soooo much fun! I love her giggles :D Also, how the heck did you get your video to be vertical? I am intrigued. And I'm definitely showing the kiddos this tomorrow when they wake up. They'll love it!

Tara said...

Okay, you win ten points too, for knowing she was talking about a puppy! Marc took the video on his iTouch and just uploaded it from there to vimeo, so I guess that's just how it decided to do it.

Aislinn said...

This is such a CUTE video!!! Love Nora's little laugh and kicking her legs...she obviously loves T pushing her, LOL. Did T say "three more minutes" at the beginning? It totally sounded like she was giving Nora a deadline, LOL. And um, she was obviously saying "puppy"...Dad needs hearing aids, methinks...

I can't wait to see you guys!!! The girls are getting so big! There are some very eager girls here to have some "little girl" time, LOL. They're all boy'd out. ;)

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh! They are so cute!!! I love it! Listen to Nora's delight! and T's shirt, fun. The kids here are loving it. Aoife's watching entrancedly and Brigit's doing her cooing voice at the cute girls. Love it! Can't wait to see you guys!