Saturday, September 24, 2011

Grocery carts, crowns, and crawling

Nora can sit in the shopping cart now! T loves it. We think they're the cutest.

Teresa is really in to princess stuff lately (shocking, I know), and after watching Tangled for the eleventy billionth time, kept asking where her crown was. After she went to bed I made this little felt one for her. It was supposed to look like Rapunzel's, but with colored 'jewels' but when I got it finished it totally ended up looking like an Indian feather/headdress/thing. Oh well, at least T thinks it looks like a crown.

Right after this picture she put both hands up and started yelling "Stop takin my picture Mom and Dad!". Darn paparazzi...

And here's a video of Nora scootin around. She does mostly army crawling still, but gets some hand and knee action in there too. She's sleeping a lot more lately, and I'm pretty sure it's because she gets such a workout moving all around the house.

I love this video because you can really see her curl-hawk. She has a ton of hair, but it's all on the top of her head. The back and sides are your normal short baby hair, and then she has piles on top.


Aislinn said...

Oh the cuteness is killing me! It hilarious how much bigger T is than N in the shopping cart, LOL.

I LOVE the crown and glasses...what a fun mom you are to make that for her! :) Paparazzi, LOL...what else would moms and dads do??? She looks gaw-geous, dahling!

Oh. my. goodness. Nora's curl-hawk is the funniest thing EVER! It totally looks like you did that on purpose, LOL. She's really movin' and shakin' too, isn't she? Awww! She's so stinkin' cute!

Aislinn said... punctuation and writing leave something to be desired tonight, huh? *blush*

David said...

Love the video! We watched it 4 times and had a great laugh each time. N is really growing. Can't wait for her hair to grow on the sides and back. How cute in the cart they art! T can always be an Indian princess if she starts complaining about her crown.
Love, Dad and Mom

fiona said...

Okay, yes, it's true. The shopping cart cuteness is pretty overwhelming! I love N's little arm hanging over the side, like she has it out her window, just cruisin' around... And speaking of cruising, she's got her scoot-crawl down! Ah, the life of a baby. To work hard to get a desired object, and then have it snatched away to provide more entertainment for the adults watching! And if it results in more sleep, BIG bonus ;) And her hair is pretty much the awesomest ever. A curl-hawk! Ha! That is the perfect description! Also, I love the headress... er, CROWN, the crown. ;) You are such a cool mom to whip things up like that!

J'Nette said...

ok, so i love the picture of the shopping cart, adorable!

Justine said...

Hey Tara just wanted to let you know I posted a tutorial for the owl iphone case. here is the link:

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Go Nora!!! Seriously super cute curl-hawk, hahaha, love it! She's cruisin'! T is so lucky to have a royal crown jeweler in her own house! Her sunglasses too, too much! Okay, Love Nora hanging her cute little arm out the side of the cart! Look at those two! They are so cute! Love you guys, can't wait to see you~