Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Seven, twenty-seven, and some other stuff, too.


Nora turned seven months old yesterday. She finally started doing some army crawling a few weeks ago, and is trying super hard to get up on her hands and knees lately. She can manage it for a few seconds, but that's it. She's been keeping us on our toes now that she can get around as well as she does.

She is such a little giggler, especially if Teresa is involved. They love each other so much, it's fun to watch them together. Nora was crying in the car the other day, so T started singing her a song "I love you, Nora, don't cry, Nora, I love you" etc.

She's a petite little thing, too. That outfit above is 0-3 months. Her top says "world's cutest little sister", which is true.


Teresa is 27 months this month, and is such a big helper (usually)

She keeps us laughing, and scratching our heads....

She outgrew all of her summer pajamas, so we've just been sending her to bed in whatever she was wearing that day. Lately she has been a little jealous that Nora had "dress-up jamas" for wearing to bed and she didn't. She kept asking where Teresa's dress up jamas were, so I took her to Kohls this week and let her pick out some special jamas.

She chose these horse jamas, and is in love with them. I made her try them on at the store, and she absolutely didn't want to take them off. I love them because the footies make her look a little more babyish to me :)

The other stuff:

After we went to Sesame Place last week we stayed the night in Philadelphia so we could cross that off our list-of-places-to-go out here. We soon realized we would need more than a day to see all there was to see in Philly, so we definitely have plans to go back sometime soon.

Possibly T's favorite thing of the day was this globe display at the visitor's center:

Nora was pretty eager about the day too, and sat forward in her stroller the whole time:

We saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Marc and I are both kinda history nerds, so we were really excited to see the place where the Declaration was written. Here are the girls outside Independence Hall, with all its beautiful scaffolding (T was done being in pictures at this point, so she wouldn't look at the camera.)

This past weekend we went with some friends to the Renaissance Festival in Annapolis. Lots of weirdies there, but it was still fun. T was forced to was lucky enough to ride a pony again:

She didn't love it, but I made her do it twice anyway, since it was free. The whole time she was saying "Get Teresa down! Get Teresa down!" over and over again. She did admit afterward that it was both fun and scary, and she said she was glad she did it, so there you go.

T and her cute little buddy Mina had some fun - Mina picked up T's leash and they were leading each other around for awhile. Kind of a blind-leading-the-blind sort of thing. They are so cute together.

Watching a juggling act:

A rare smile for the camera:


Aislinn said...

I loooove all the pics! Holy cow, T's hair is so long and blonde and curly! So pretty! I can't believe Nora is so big and playing with toys and looking like a little girl! Awww...time flies! Philadelphia looks like it was fun...I bet there are sooo many things to see there! I would love to explore the east coast and all the historical're so lucky!

fiona said...

Awwww, the footie pjs totally make her look more babyish! I think it's hilarious that she had to ride the pony twice, since it was free and all. Especially while saying "get Teresa down!" Haahaha!! Did the pony handler hear/wonder about that? ;) That first pic of little SEVEN-month old Nora is so stinkin' cute. And the ones where she's on T's tummy. I love them. And T stuck in the chair legs just makes me laugh. A lot! :D I love those cuties!

pauline said...

Love all the pics ... hafta admit L'ingOL at the chair one and noting that it was a good thing she was wearing a diaper. Little N is so cute ... big smile in that first pic, and she sits up so straight and reaches in and gets what she wants from the toy box ... she and T looks so cute playing together. The new 'jamas are very nice indeed, and cozy looking too. I like the globe pic ... pretty colourful and interesting, I agree with T. T's curls are getting longer and blonder ... and I suppose equally harder to comb... but they are so cute! I like how she let you style it with the nice greenish barrette ... she is willing to wear stuff in her hair sometimes now I see. Thanks for sharing! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Seven months! Look at her gorgeous grin! She's so cute! Look at them enjoying each other so much! Love it! Teresa's 27 months! and super helpful, anyone could see that! Oh the chair, how did she do it?! Poor little thing :) Haha! She didn't want to take her dress up jammies off! That's awesome! She's a girl after your own heart. What a fun Philly trip! Brigit also Loves the globe picture the best. Look at T's curls! and Nora's too, I love her hair.

The Renaissance Fair looks fun too. She didn't know how lucky she was at first! I love watching them play with little friends. "blind leading the blind" haha...