Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Can you believe this little girl is six months old already?

Neither can I.

Here she is in the same dress at six weeks old.


It still fits.

She had her six month check up this week and weighed in at 15.5 pounds and was 25.5 inches long. At six months T was 17.9 lbs and 27.5 inches, so about 2 lbs and 2 inches bigger.

They love each other.

And one of just T:

This next one is for Grandad:

Not the greatest picture, but T discovered basketball last week. We were playing in the gym at our community center after arts and crafts last week and there was an older boy (and when I say older, I mean seven-ish) there playing basketball with his grandmother (or mom? Hopefully grandma). T watched him for a little bit and then went after the extra ball and started trying to dribble it and shoot it like he was. She did a pretty good job with her dribbling and was so cute shooting the ball. I wonder if she honestly thought she would be able to get it in the basket?

Anyway, I shouldn't have been too surprised, because she loves all sorts of balls, we spend half our day playing catch.

Nora was a cute little spectator:


David said...

What a great post! Six months already, she just keeps getting cuter! Such beauty with her and T. Great pictures of T playing B-ball. I am sure by looking at her shooting form that she thought she could make the basket. The last picture of Nora is great, looks like she has a hat on.
Love you all,

Dad and Mom

Rob and Erin Smith said...

6 Months!!! Happy 6 months, Nora! She's soooo cute! I love that that dress still fits her, hee hee. Those growth spurts can be unpredictable. Look at her little tongue, and her chubby little arms :) I LOve that first pic of them together! They are gorgeous! Look at your little basketballer! And that's Mickey on her dress, isn't it? T is stretching so high and the basket is so much further, that's a great shot! and her hair is so cute in pigtails. Nora's hair is looking like it's curly too. Love these girls! and you two too :)

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

They are SO adorable with those sweet smiles! They grow up so fast don't they?
I want to thank you for stopping by to enter my giveaway. Hope you have a great weekend with your sweet girls!

fiona said...

Oh, that pic of Nora and Tressa together is sooooo so adorable! I love the big wide eyes little N has! Yeah, I can't believe she's 6 months old... well, 6-1/2 NOW, since I'm late getting to this. Tressa looks like a natural little bball player, too. She is awesome! I love them both so much :D