Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In case you didn't know...

We're going to be adding another little person to our family! I had my first prenatal appointment today. Of all the terrible things I could say about military health care, the worst has to be the fact that they don't let you pick your doctor. Because I definitely would not have picked the super good looking, easily younger than thirty, in fact I was probably his first ever patient, doctor that the Navy assigned me. It really made me miss good old (emphasis on old) Dr. Fitzpatrick.

Anyway, it wasn't too bad, he actually seemed like a really good doctor, I'm a little bummed I won't be here for the whole pregnancy, but I'm sure it will be fun breaking in a whole new doctor once we get up to Maryland. We've been a little unsure on my due date, I've heard everything from Feb. 14 to the 19th, but the ultrasound had me measuring ahead of that, so he moved my due date up to February 10th. I won't argue with anything that makes this any shorter ;). I have to say, this ultrasound was way more exciting than my first one with Teresa, for some reason. Maybe because I could more easily decipher what was actually showing up on the screen?

Here's the new little one, it was fun to see and hear the heartbeat, and the baby waved at us, which was pretty exciting. Marc and I have a pretty high-stakes wager on whether it's a boy or a girl, so we're anxious for the next few months to pass so we can see who is right. Not the best picture, since it's actually a picture of the one the doctor printed out for us, but you get the idea. It's a profile shot.

In other news, Marc is doing awesome in his training still. He's getting good grades left and right, and we're excited to finally have a graduation date for him. Assuming nothing changes, he'll be graduating September 15th, which means we only have a little over a month left here. Crazy, I can't believe how fast our time in Florida has gone. I know moving with the Army will be a huge headache, but we're excited to get up to Maryland.

Teresa is growing like a weed. I can't believe she was still in her 6-9 month clothes in April, and now I'm crossing my fingers that she won't be too big for all her 18-24 month fall clothes that we have waiting in the closet. Because, seriously, she has some cute stuff for fall. I can't believe we were ever worried about her not gaining enough weight. We need to make a trip to Austin just to show her pediatrician there how fast she's growing! Here she is at dinner this week:


mican said...

Yay!! Congrats you guys! Hope your feeling well!

Keli said...

Congrats! I think I know which dr. you're talking about. I hope you guys enjoyed Pensacola!!

pauline said...

I'm still laughing out loud (oops, LOL I mean!) ... at that foot-sticking-up after dinner pic. She's a little character, with her messy face. Such a WONDERFUL pic (!) of the new little Milligan! Nice of the handsome doc to provide one, it's the least he could do, after having the nerve to be too good-looking! Hee hee hee ... thanks for a nice giggle to wind up the day, Tooks! Oh, congrats to Marc on his super grades ... he'll prob be glad when all the training is over and he can "relax" into some regular work in Maryland! Stay healthy! xox

J'Nette said...

holy cow!!!! yeah i didn't know that you were pregnant!!!! congrats! i'm so happy for you! by the way i love your little one's curly hair. Congrats again for taking the pregnancy plunge!

fiona said...

Love the pic!! She is too dang adorable! And an official congrats on your officially announced pregnancy! I can't wait to meet the next little Milligan :D

Melanie said...

Just caught up with you, and congratulations!!! We were just talking about you at Sunday dinner, and wondering what the latest was. Love you guys!