Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I've been trying to catch some of T's skills on camera, but not surprisingly, she isn't too cooperative in performing on demand. She can tell us what a sheep says when we ask, but hasn't caught on to repeating any other animal sounds yet. I ask her all the time, cause I think it's so cute, and luckily she still humors me with an answer. And she lo-oves sticking her tongue out at us. She thinks it is hilarious and will stare at us with her tongue out until we return the gesture, at which point she just cracks up.

Anyway, these are just short. She kept getting distracted by Marc in the background. And in the super short one she is headed after Marc who had the nerve to try and take a shower with the bathroom door closed. Because, you know, T has to be involved in every thing that goes on around the house.


pauline said...

Hi! That is the best little "BAH" I have ever heard! Nice to see that cute little girl again ... and her pretty curls. Oh, and she can stick that tongue out good'n far!
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin said...

OH! She is soooo cute! I love her hair! She is a brilliant baby! Love the bluegrass dance too! She has some sweet moves! She is so chubby and has the happiest little smiley face, just want to squeeeeeze her :0)

Love you guys!

fiona said...

I'm just gonna echo the "soooo cute!" statement, because she is! Seriously, I love that girl :) Adorable curls, big grin, great little "baa", long tongue, everything! (It's just a shame that the poor dear doesn't know where her nose is...how embarrassing... haha, kidding! What nerve to not perform 100% on cue! ;)