Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This week.

Well, we got rid of the cat. She was making Marc too sneezy and itchy. She lasted a whole week, though, and T certainly had a great time with her. I was letting her watch this video of the cat and she kept pointing to it and jabbering at me. Probably asking me where it had gone ;).

Do you see all the diapers T so generously emptied out of their box and spread around the floor? She's awesome like that.

She's really into hats right now, she's always bringing me a hat to put on her. It's a big change from a few months ago when she would scream and cry if I even got near her with a hat. She likes our hats because she can put them on herself.

She finally got a crib, this week, and was excited to have a real bed, instead of a pack n play. Contrary to what the picture would have you think, she actually likes it a lot, she slept so much better in it the first night, and at naps. She just always looks like that when she wakes up. She's not one of those babies that wakes up happy, she just wants out of bed as soon as she's awake, and will cry until that happens. She was not pleased about having to stand there while I took her picture :)

Teresa is a big help to Daddy in the mornings. She always brings him his boots or shoes when he is getting dressed. She was getting impatient holding his shoe up to him before he was ready to put it on. Wow, our house looks really messy. I promise it's because T has to empty any laundry basket she finds. See the laundry basket back there? All the clothes on the floor are supposed to be in there. Anyway, she will also just randomly bring me shoes during the day. Usually not a matching pair.


Melissa said...

Oh, her giggle is so adorable!! She is growing up too fast.

I totally understand the "empty every basket/bucket" thing! My baby rushes like a mad man to the baby gate (if it is left open),goes in the kitchen, closes the gate and heads to the closest cabinet and starts emptying. Even better, he is growing taller and I have to remember that he can now reach the top of the arm on the couch. That USED to be a safe place for things...not any more!

fiona said...

The cat video... I love it. She is so cute laughing! And I'm even more sad the kitty's gone, poor little T... But I guess it's better to have a feeling-good dad! The hat pics are funny, she looks like a little trucker! NICE new crib. It must feel so spacious to her! N was in a pack-n-play for several months... prob from 4-ish till 8 or 9-ish. So, not as long as T, but still, I was so glad to get her a crib! I love how unhappy she looks in the pic -- of COURSE she wants to be freed immediately! I mean, she has things to do! Like get M ready for work ;)

David said...

What a great video! Poor kitten has to adjust to a new home! Nice pictures, but shouldn't the hats be either BYU or UT?
Love, Dad (and Mom)