Monday, July 5, 2010


Teresa LOVES bananas. And chocolate. No surprise there. So when we saw some frozen bananas dipped in chocolate at the grocery store, we figured they would be the perfect treat for little T. We didn't buy them the first time we saw them, and then we couldn't find them anywhere for a long time. So when we finally saw them again we snatched them up right away. Then I forgot about them in the freezer for a few days and then finally pulled them out this weekend. We stripped T down to her diaper, since we figured it would be a messy treat. She was pretty excited while I was unwrapping it.
Here's the first bite:

She wasn't too sure about it...

Then things started to take a turn for the worse...

She was pretty sad :(

I'm thinking it was the frozen part she didn't like. She had a hard time even getting a bite. Marc and I tasted it, and I thought it was pretty yucky. Very banana-y. But T decided to give it another shot....

Unfortunately the results were the same the second time around...

It was pretty sad. We gave her a real banana after, and that seemed to make up for it. I think it's safe to say we won't be stocking up on these anytime soon.


Melissa said...

Oh that is so sad!! :( Mom used to make these for FHE treats using bananas and chocolate magic shell. You should try it, maybe if you only put the banana in the fridge first instead of freezing it T would be a bit happier. It is worth a try, and I bet homemade would taste a whole lot better!

J'Nette said...

hahah, those pictures are so funny. the perfect ideas always fail so miserably! i'm in love with her hair, so beautiful!

fiona said...

Oh, poor sad little T! Yeah, I'm betting it was too cold. Do what Melissa said, Tressa would love those! or just banana and choc sauce... not messy at all! ;)

pauline said...

...imagine that...who'dah thought her cute, tender, little baby mouth would reject anything frozen...brrr! Here's Treasa: "wow, Mommy is unwrapping something yummy, I can't wait to bite into it" ... "oh, no, what is dis? ... not what I was expecting... wah wah wah..."
Tee hee hee ... but the pictures are great... just watching her evaluate it all, and then appropriately react!!! She's so cute, and I also love her curls.
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Carolyn said...

Such a sad story. I loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches when I was a kid. We also love waffles with bananas and chocolate syrup for a holiday treat.