Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just some stuff.

Every once in a while Marc decides we should get a cat, even though he is allergic to them. This time he figured he might not be as allergic to a kitten as he is to a fully grown cat, and we figured T would really love a kitten, so Monday night we went and picked up a cute little gray kitten we found on Craigslist. Unfortunately it turns out that kittens have just as many allergens (who would have guessed ;) so we'll be looking for a new home for the kitten. But we've had fun with her while she's been here. Unfortunately whenever cat and T are being cute together, the camera completely distracts them, so we haven't gotten any good pics of them together.

Teresa is so funny with the cat. She's pretty good at being soft with the cat, except when she tries to pick her up. Then she just squishes the cat to her. She definitely has a love/hate relationship with her. She will stand and giggle at the cat for ages, and think she is the funniest thing. She will follow her around trying to pet her, and has even gotten pretty good at dangling string for her to play with. But then she will randomly turn against the cat. It's pretty funny, like flipping a switch. All of a sudden the cat offends her and she just starts crying. Sobbing and bawling and crying so hard she gets hiccups. She will let the cat play with her lanyard (she carries around a jump drive that we have on a lanyard and likes to wear it around her neck), and then all of a sudden decide she doesn't want to share and will burst into tears if the cat gets near it. Once that happens she doesn't want the cat even looking at any of her stuff. Anything the cat gets near, T will go and collect and bring it to me to protect it. It is so funny! The cat had the nerve to bat at T's sunglasses and a cup she plays with. So T scrambled out of my lap to rescue them. She came back crying and insisted I put her glasses on her. Then she just sat snuggled in my lap, wearing her sunglasses and crying. I have to try hard not to laugh at her too much.

Speaking of her sunglasses, she has recently rediscovered them, and loves to wear them now. She'll walk around with them on for a while and then pull them off and bring them over to us to put back on.

This is why she can only have chocolate in her high chair:

T has always been super interested in my hand weights. She only recently has been able to actually pick one up all the way (they weigh a whole five pounds). I love these pics cause you can really see the effort in her face. She actually took a few steps across the room with it before she dropped it.

Poor Marc fractured his wrist tripping over one of T's toys, but he's still happy to read her a book. He can't lift more than 15 pounds for the next few weeks, which is lame-o since T is 22 pounds now...

That's about all we've been up to. Nothing too exciting, just regular life!


pauline said...

I love all of them ... such a cute little kitten, hope you find a good home for him. I guess you can put him back on Craigslist. Treasa will miss him... sounds like she (mostly) has fun with him :) The sunglasses! I remember when we used to try and get them on her w/o her noticing, when we'd go for sunshiny walks a few months back ... that pic of her with the chocolate face is so great! Oh, and the one where she is hauling the weight, she has lots of beautiful curls, just like her Mommy used to have! Poor Marc, sorry about the wrist ... hope it's soon ok again! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

"Nothing too exciting"... what!? I'd say little T with a kitten is quite exciting! I was totally laughing picturing how she would get all annoyed at the (nameless?) kitty for having the audacity to play with her stuff, hahaha!! I can so picture it. And sooooo sad that you have to get rid of the kitty! He/she/it is super cute!

And the sunglasses... what is it about sunglasses that make them so adorable on little kids (and me, of course)? Great collage, CUTE girl. I also love how much she's straining to lug that weight around. Can't believe she's already weight-lifting at the age of one. That's hard core! By the way, Maeve has been wearing her little sunshine outfit, too! Soooo cute!

Um, maybe if Marc had been working out with your hand weights, he wouldn't have snapped that little wrist of his tripping over a toy... just a thought... j/k! ;) Poor guy. That's the opposite of fun, and I'm sure he wishes he could pick up little T, too!

Gee whiz, I've gotta stop writing books for comments... your own fault for putting up so much interesting stuff and so many adorable pics of my cute niece!

p.s. Mom and Dad would prob LOVE to take that poor kitty off your hands...

Melanie said...

Jeff's allergic to cats, too, so we got a tiny dog (Madsen's dog Lucy had puppies) and it's like having another child... don't do it!