Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Weekend

Like most of you, we LOVE our weekends around here. Marc works REALLY hard all week. He leaves for school by 6:30 every morning. He usually gets up around 4:30 or 5:00 to shower, do the dishes, study, or do something else somewhat useful. He brings me Teresa when she wakes up. She had been sleeping til 6:00, but for the past few weeks has decided that 5:30 is the latest she wants to sleep to. Marc's first class is from 7:00 to 11:00. Then he gets an hour for lunch, (he comes home most days) and has another class from 12:00 to 4:00. Then most days he has PT from 4:30 to 5:30. Which means we don't usually see him back here until close to six. He had two tests this week, which means he came home for dinner, played with T until we put her to bed, and then went back on base to study until 10ish the night before each test. And these tests are pretty darn hard. Luckily he's nerdy enough to do really well on all of them ;). So, you can see why we're pretty excited when the weekend rolls around. Not that we get any more sleep, because T doesn't care one way or the other what day it is, but we get to do LOTS more relaxing. For some reason, Tressa is willing to play a lot more on her own when Marc and I are both home. If it's just me, she requires a lot more interaction.

Friday night we went to a baseball game. We thought it was a triple A team, the Pensacola Pelicans. When we got there, we felt really confused, as the stadium was WAY smaller than expected. And our twelve dollar seats were right on the field. Seriously, we could touch the players. We didn't, but we totally could have. Turns out they're just part of some independent league, but it was still pretty fun. We were a little concerned about the signs warning us to pay attention in case of foul balls, but other than that it was good.

There's the foul ball warning sign. Oh, and Tressa...

Teresa had a lot of fun, there was plenty of room for her to walk along the fence line, and lots of people for her to make eyes at. She made friends with a couple behind us, and during the third inning the husband brought us a foul ball. He said he had pulled some strings to get it for T because she was such a cutie. They were so nice, and Tressa just loved her ball. She had been getting sleepy and was just sitting on my lap, but when he handed her the ball she perked right up and played with it for about thirty minutes. She kept dropping it in my hands and waiting for me to give it back. Then she would walk up and down the fence showing it to whoever would interact with her. We only lasted til the 5th inning. Tressa just wasn't going to make it much longer, she was already an hour and a half late for bed.

Just an FYI, if you let your baby wear her cute little nylon leggings on a day when she will be crawling up and down on concrete, they will get ruined. Sad day.

Saturday, T thought she was super hilarious and refused to give Marc any kisses. She would kiss me a ton, and then when Marc would ask for a kiss she would turn away, or push him away, and then just laugh her little head off. Silly girl, she kept it up all day. Marc was relieved this morning when she was willing to kiss him again.

I got to speak in church today. I was pretty irked last week when I was asked, and Marc wasn't, but I guess they figured they would leave one of us free to take care of Tressa. Am I the only one who always, always knows when I'm about to be asked to speak? Last week I was sitting enjoying sacrament meeting until I thought "it's about time for me to speak soon". And sure enough, I got asked later in Relief Society. Every time. Oh well, it wasn't that bad, actually. The least nervous I've ever been, possibly due to the fact that we only have about 20 people. Or maybe because I don't really know any one here, and we won't be sticking around long enough to get to know them. After church we fed the ducks some bread and leftover rice. T loves ducks. Friday she officially said 'duck' for the first time. Now she shrieks it whenever we see one. They make her laugh. They freak me out a little, they definitely have no boundary issues, but Tressa isn't scared of them, so that's good.

And we got good news this week! Originally, every one at Corry was supposed to get both Friday and Monday off for Memorial Day. Which would have been awesome because Marc's family gets here Friday, and I would have loved to have his help finishing up the preparations for T's party. But then Marc was told that his class wouldn't get Friday off, just Monday. We were pretty bummed. But, as of this past Friday, we found out he will get it off! We're crossing our fingers it doesn't change again!


David said...

Wow, three postings today, and wonderful pictures on all three. Great pictures, and nice of the branch to give Marcus some Daddy/Daughter alone time.
Love to all, Dad and Mom

pauline said...

Hi there ... imagine, she can say 'duck' ... I would love to hear her ... here's Auntie Helen laughing when I told her that ... she was saying 'duckie' ... you know, we sometimes call each other (endearingly) 'duckie' ... such nice pics, with the ball etc... imagine ... not the ball game you thought you were going to see :) Poor Marcus, having to go without Tressa kisses for a whole day!!! She is a playful little rascal indeed. Hope we get to see her b4 too long... thanks for sharing all that ... love, Mom (Dad too:) oh, and Auntie Helen too) xox

fiona said...

I love the pictures! I always do, but still... She is so cute. That game sounded fun! Those even-less-professional games are kinda cooler, because it's just so much more intimate. I mean, look at your seats! It's prob a good thing you didn't touch the players, but awesome that you COULD have, if you wanted to ;)

I also love that little T already knows how to play hard to get. You have taught her well... ;)

Rob and Erin said...

Haha! So cute! I love the no kisses game, she is such a little stinker! You guys have really busy weeks, that is some hard work. Way to rock it, Marcus! And Tara and Teresa too, of course. Sounds like a nice weekend, I love the ball picks of her and her super cute curls. I can't believe we got to speak at church on the same Sunday, wow, that is Awesome! I can't believe she says "duck." And sorry about T's leggings and I hope your Memorial weekend does not change again :0)