Sunday, May 16, 2010


We decided to hang around this house this weekend and have some cheap family fun. We managed to get some strawberries and Teresa was pretty excited to have some sloppy fun with fruit.

Then we just lounged around...

Can you tell T loves the green chair? She can sit and play around it for hours.

'Til it was time for church on Sunday...


Rob and Erin said...

Aww! What a fun time. And look at those cheeks, stuffed with strawberry goodness. She is so cute! It's so nice to be at home, just your little family, huh :0) Good job keeping the knife out of reach!

So her favorite color is green, just like her Mommy. What's your favorite color, Marcus? And HEllO! That last picture. Your girls are gorgeous, Marcus. How cute, I love your hair, Tara.

fiona said...

I really like the unique angles on some of these shots! Especially the one with Tooks cutting up the strawberries. Very cool. And I really like the subject(s) of all of them ;) Yeah, little T looks pretty excited about those berries...haha... Boy, her hair is definitely sucking up that FL moisture, look at those curls! And Tara, can I borrow some of that body YOUR hair has? Pretty please??

Tara said...
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Tara said...

Ha ha, Fiona, that's totally not natural body in my hair. You too can achieve the same effect with volumizing shampoo, gel, a hair dryer and straightener. Wow, it sounds so much more involved then it really is. It's not really that much work, but it still only happens about once a week...

Aislinn said... look so pretty in these pics, Tara! You look pretty all the time, but I love the church pic...and I'm with Fiona, I'd love some of that body! You make it sound easy, but I'm pretty sure it requires some natural ability as well. LOL!

Little T is so adorable with her berries and her green chair! I love the lounging pic, too. She's such a cutie!

Congrats on having your talk over with! Now, on to working on the b-day party, right? Woohoo! Fun times! Can't wait to see you guys!