Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Things They Say

It's that time again....

Teresa is hilarious, as always. And a big rascal. One morning we were laying in bed and she said to me, all matter-of-factly "Mommy, your hair is really dirty. I think we need to wash your hair in the shower today".

One day in the car, out of the blue, we had this conversation:
     T: "Mom, do you wish your legs were longer?"
Me: No, I like my legs as long as they are. Why, do you wish your legs were longer?
     T: "(big sigh) Yes."
Me: Why?
     T: "Because! Then I could be a gigantic giant!"

Every thing makes her nose itchy lately. "Spaghetti makes my nose itch", "frowning makes my nose itch", "this carseat makes my nose itch", etc.

Below picture? I asked her to show me her socks, and this is the pose she struck. Yep. That's my three-year-old.

She is medium sized. She will often say "Daddy is tall, and Mommy and tall, and Nora is little, and I am just medium sized!" or, randomly "Mom, am I medium?".

One day Nora balked when she saw that T was finishing her juice. T's response? "Nora. It's gone. For.ever."

Nora talks so much now. Honestly, she surprises us every day with the things that come out of her mouth. One day a few weeks ago she was sitting, organizing all her pacifiers. She would line them up "One, two, free, fow, five". I'm thinking maybe it's time to take the pacis away when your kid is old enough to do that...

Something else we hear from her a lot is "Mommy! Why do dat?". Or Daddy, or Teresa, etc. Any time we do anything she doesn't approve of.

The other day we were in the car I could hear her repeating softly to herself "I so cute, I so cute, I so cute". Our girls don't lack in confidence, that's for sure.

In a similar vein, if Marc is home when she gets dressed she always goes running to find him "yook Daddy, yook at me!"

I'm always sad when they lose some of their cute baby words - Nora loooooves, loves Tinkerbell and used to call her "Tip-bo-bew", and it was pretty much the cutest word ever said by anyone ever. In fact, she even had us all calling her that. And then a few days ago she just busted out saying "Tinkerbew" like a big girl :(. She also used to say mermaid and Mulan "moo-ma", but corrected them both this week as well.


fiona said...

Okay, I love these posts!! They always make me laugh! My favorites: that she's "medium", how she told N that her juice was GONE. For.Ever., her honesty about your dirty hair, haha! And the sock pic is awesome! Keep an eye on her... ;)

NORA! Too dang cute! Which she, obviously, knows... I love that one, telling herself over and over "I so cute." It's just a fact, man. And that is sad when their baby words change... :( I guess the bright side is she'll keep saying more and more funny things!

Carolyn said...

Thanks for sharing about your girls. They are beautiful. Your family has always been so much fun.

pauline said...

Hilarious... esp that sock one ... HahahHAHAhahahha... they are so cute ... and hmmm, how'd she determine your hair was dirty ... hah ... she just wanted to say it, that's all! Love all the pics... and all the cute stuff they say... smart little rascals! Thanks! Love, Mom (prob Dad too ... he'll hafta view it in Texas and I'm at E&R's :} )