Saturday, November 17, 2012


Nora has always loved the feel of wind on her face, but her response to getting fanned with this cardboard was just awesome. Of course she wasn't performing as much once the camera came out, but we still got some cute videos.

Please ignore my uncombed hair...

Wind from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Noraaaaaaaa from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.


fiona said...

Haha! Hilarious how her sound effects start and stop with the cardboard! Also, I love how T hops in front of her and Nora's like "wait a minute..." and tries to go around her. You can tell she realizes no one appreciates the wind like she does... ;) It's really cute how she talks, too. "Do it to me!"

fiona said...

p.s. I couldn't help but notice that your hair looks a bit uncombed... you should kinda take care of that... ;)

pauline said...

that is so cute ... good thing you enjoy being the fan-ner! love, Mom (Dad too) xox