Wednesday, November 21, 2012


 I know the sentimental posts are supposed to come around birthdays, but the other day I was looking at my girl and realized what a little person she is becoming. Has become. And it happened over night! She is not my little baby anymore, not even my little toddler. Her personality is bursting at her seams. She just gets it now. She gets jokes, and sarcasm, and she gets that she is the 'big girl'. She (usually) gets that sometimes she has to wait for things, and that she doesn't always get what she wants. She just gets it. Her imagination has really exploded in the last few months. She is always coming up with fun little things for us to play out, with roles for all of us. She even provides the dialogue sometimes. She remembers everything, she keeps surprising me by bringing up something from a year ago, or more. She knows how funny she is, and how much she loves to be the center of attention. I was looking through some old pictures, and I can't believe how she has grown.

 I miss that cute little face, and those soft curls.

 But I'm loving having this big girl. She is so much fun. I know she is going to be challenging. For sure. But I'm so excited to get to continue to watch her grow. I'm excited for the fun relationship we are developing. I hope she always says things like "I'm so glad you are my mother, and Nora is my little sister" (and, that she's glad we have Daddy too, but she "just hopes that he is a genius"). Or at least thinks them, even if she doesn't tell us. 


fiona said...

Those moments when you look at your little ones and realize that they're suddenly not-so-little are bittersweet. You miss the cute little phases they already went through, but yeah, it's exciting... all the new developments. She's a gorgeous little (gettin' bigger!) girl, and full of life and fun things to say! Smart to get it on record, that she is so glad you're her mother and Nora's her little sis... you know, just in case she tries to say otherwise in some later years... ;) Even though obviously she wouldn't mean it!! ;) And I hope Marc's a genius, too, b/c I've been telling pretty much everyone that he is...

Rachel Chappell said...

That same thing happened the other day with Evan. Once he turned 3 (you know, barely a month ago) he started maturing like crazy fast.

Carolyn said...

Awww. She is a wonderful "Big Girl." What a neat mommy momment.

pauline said...

How did I miss this post you put up Nov 21 ... where was I? It's great ... and it's making me cry! Love, Mom xox

Aislinn said...

They grow up so fast. :( It's definitely bittersweet...T is such a precious girl and getting so grown up and fun! I really love when they start to "get it"...of course, a few years from now, YOU won't "get it" least, according to her. ;) much fun, children are. And I'm laughing so hard at the "hopes he's a genius" line! So, she's unconditionall thankful for the rest of you, but Daddy only if he's a genius? Poor Daddy. Good thing he is, huh? ;)