Friday, December 17, 2010

A bunch of videos

Here are some videos of T. Don't feel obligated to watch them, I know four is a lot.

The first is her trying on Marc's shoes. I've been a little surprised at T's lack of interest in our shoes, since most kids like to clomp around in their parents shoes, and she loves to have us put her church shoes on all the time. She finally discovered the fun of wearing Mom and Dad's shoes this week, and does it all the time now. Just fyi, she picked her outfit herself.

Shoes from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

The first snow. She loved playing in it, and thought it was so fun and 'hot'. I felt bad that we had only gone out when there wasn't too much of it, so I spent a good half hour bundling her up this morning to go out in the deeper stuff before it melted, only for us to get outside and for her to plop herself down in the snow to cry. Who knows why it was so different today from yesterday.

Snow1 from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Snow2 from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

And her new jumping skills. She recently figured out how to jump with both feet off the ground, and has been incorporating it into her dancing all week.

Untitled from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

She's pretty much resigned herself to the idea of boots and coats now, she knows she has to have them to go outside. We're still working on the hats/hoods and gloves issue.


David said...

So cute. She is such a happy child. It was fun watching her. However, the jumping video must have gotten mixed up with the first video. Hope you re-post it.
Love ya all, Dad (and Mom)

David said...

Wow, I make the comment about the missing jumping and when I refreshed the page, the jumping video shows up! It was great.
Love, D (and M)

fiona said...

Argh! The last two won't work for me! I know it's my comp/connection... grrr... I'll be back. BUT, the first ones... so cute! I love her outfit in the shoe one. She honestly looks like a little girl out of a catalog. A good catalog, not "As Seen on TV" or anything ;) Adorable! And her "uh-oh!" in the snow one is awesome. I love her.

Rob and Erin Smith said...

She is so Adorable!!! I love the first one! Her hair is so cute and she has an awesome sense of style! The Jumping is priceless! She is stinkin' cute! I love her too!

Lindsey H said...

I'm way behind on reading blogs but I just had to tell you how cute your daughter is! She seems quite advanced too so eat it up and be a proud Momma. :)