Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas cookies

Here are the videos of T decorating Christmas cookies! Yes, I know, we're on a bit of a video kick lately! I really didn't think she would be too interested, we tried decorating some cookies at our church Christmas party, but she wouldn't do anything but pick the candy off as I put it on. I thought she'd be able to handle the sprinkling, but that didn't go so well. She used about half a bottle on the first cookie. Half way through eating one she decided she needed to get in on the frosting action, and actually did a pretty good job. She didn't make too big of a mess, and she just kept frosting the same half of a cookie over and over.

Cookies from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Cookies2 from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Hmm...the second one is kinda boring. Oh well. ;)


David said...

Wow, T is a great cookie decorator! She is really concentrating. And no video with T is boring. Love, Dad and Mom

fiona said...

Yeah, the second vid showcased how focused she is on the task at hand... not boring!! I love how she picked up the drip of frosting in the first one and tried to put it back on the paper, ha! She does quite a good job at spreading it on the cookies...I'm impressed! And her "smile". Seriously, Marc, not like she was busy or anything... ;) She is the cutest little curly-haired girl! I love looking at her head. Well, all of her, but her head is quite adorable. All right, I was abt to publish this when Z came along and wanted to watch, and his first comment was, "Wow! She has good curly hair!" He already knew that, but honestly it just seems to be getting curlier and curlier. Lucky!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Hahaha! I love the smile in the first video! She is so cute! and the second one is definitely not boring. She's really working on it!!