Saturday, April 17, 2010

It happened again

But at least this time it wasn't right in my face. Actually, this time we were at Best Buy. Which really worked out nicely for us. Ironically, we had just walked by the steam cleaners and were looking at the vacuum cleaners when Tressa just blew up. We're talking projectile vomit here. It was everywhere. I actually couldn't believe how much of it was just spewing forth out of her mouth. Marc was the lucky one holding her this time, so right after it started he was smart enough to hold her out and away from him. She still got his arm (including all the little crevices of his watch), his shirt and his shoes. But the majority of it was definitely all over the Best Buy floor. Gross. I sent Marc to tell someone while T and I stood by her dastardly deed. She, of course, was acting as though nothing had happened, she just looked tired. Marc returned and we stood there for about seven more minutes, waiting for whoever he told to come. No one did. So Marc went and told someone else. We stood there for a few more minutes, and when no one came we left. I felt pretty bad for whoever ended up having to clean it up. We figured that was why none of the employees we told came to do something about it, they were probably waiting for someone else to discover it and clean it up (Can you blame them? They were all teenage-y looking boys, I'm sure the last thing they wanted to do was clean up some kids throw up). Anyway, we went back today and the carpet looked good as new. so. I guess no harm, no foul, right?

The weird thing is that it happened almost exactly a week after the last incident. Like, within 15 minutes. Now we're both a little scared of getting too close to Teresa...I guess we'll see what happens next Friday. Actually, we do have some theories, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Anyway, since you lasted through such a nasty story, here's a sweet picture to make up for it:


Carolyn said...

I think you are right. I am sure none of the boys wanted to clean it up. I love the swimsuit and glasses too. Great deals make everything twice as nice. Totally awesome you live so close to the beach.

Carolyn said...

by the way, How do you spell T's name I have seen it both ways a lot on your blog, or am I imagining it?

fiona said...

What in the world?! Yeah, I would totally keep my distance next Friday! I can't believe no one came to clean up the puke in that long! Well, I can, I guess. Also, I'm slightly disappointed that Marcus didn't follow in T's footsteps. I thought he was one of those people who puked when puked upon or near... now THAT would have been extra special for the poor Best Buy employees... And that is a very sweet picture of the little puker and her daddy. It's so cute seeing her "reading"!

Tara said...

Lol, yeah it would have been great if Marc had lost it too. Well, he might not have thought so, but I would have ;).

We spell her name Teresa, but we usually call her Tressa (with a short e, like in mess), so that's why the different spellings. It actually confuses a lot of people!

Rob and Erin said...

Ewww!!! That's so awesome, I'm so proud of Marcus for not joining her. I was expecting to hear the opposite though, so I too was a little disappointed. Just kidding, Marcus, I'm glad you didn't spew too. Good luck next Friday! Oh, and the picture definitely makes up for the story, they're so happy together! :0) and she's super cute...

David said...

This is Mom ...
Hi there ... poor little T, whatever you're feeding her on Fridays ... hmmm, maybe you need to change her diet :) I like the pic of Dad and T reading! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Aislinn said...

Ewwww! Wow, Tressa is nothing if not reliable, eh? Every Friday, like clockwork! Maybe you should set her out on the back porch next Friday...then you can just hose it off...;o)

Love the reading pic! T looks so absorbed in finding out where Baby's Mommy is! Very sweet!