Monday, June 30, 2008

A Scouting Adventure

I'm hesitant to blog about our dog, Scout, for fear of sounding like an obsessive dog owner who treats their dogs like children...but...our dog is pretty awesome. We've been feeling a little guilty about "neglecting" Scout. "Neglect" because the first two weeks we had her, we spent a RIDICULOUS amount of time with her, and took her swimming every day, and played innumerable games of fetch. Now, we spend less time with her, as her novelty has worn off a bit (hopefully that won't happen with our kids...) but she still is WAY more spoiled and gets way more interaction, and more walks (2-4 a day) than an average dog. Anyway, we took her hiking with us last week, up near where we camped a few weeks ago. The plan was to let Scout run around and do whatever once we got to our destination, and Marcus and I brought books to read, so we could relax and stuff. However, Scout was not about to let that happen. She wandered and entertained herself for about five minutes and then came over and bugged us until we played with her.

Luckily, we had the foresight to bring her squeaky tennis ball with us, and she had fun fetching it out of the freezing cold mountain stream. When we were getting ready to leave, I started throwing her ball straight up in the air, and she would catch it in her mouth on the way down. She's pretty awesome at catching the ball like this, and she does all sorts of cool twists and almost-back-flips, and she leaps SUPER high into the air and was catching it pretty much every time. So, of course, we tried to get a video of it, and every single time we videoed it, she missed.

(you can blame the sideways video-ing on Marcus)

Finally, we gave up on trying to record her awesome ball catching ability on tape and packed up to go home...and OF COURSE, right after we put the camera away, I threw the ball up in the air and she caught it without even moving from her sitting position next to me! The moral of this story is: our dog is awesome.


Rob and Erin said...

What a lucky dog to have come into your family! She's so energetic! and so friendly and cute too. I can't wait to meet her one day...
Great video, lol, classic, they never do perform on demand, do they! Scout is awesome! That's a great moral to always remember.
Liam keeps asking,"Why do you have to be big to have a dog?" and he keeps asking to watch the video again and make the picture big. I think Scout has a big fan at our house.

fiona said...

Oh, fun! She is a lucky pup! I still can't help thinking of how much you have always loved animals, and would talk about the cats and dogs forever, so it's only natural that we hear all about Scout! I like hearing about her, she sounds like a really fun dog! Poor Liam, I bet he would soooo love to have a dog...I hope we get a cool dog like her. One day...

Oh, and she also reminded me of my children, the part where you hoped she would entertain herself so y'all could read...sigh.

Gary Patrick Ricker said...

Glad that you enjoy your dog so much. Has she replaced Poocha (sp?) as your favourite pet? She at least appears to be more useful/playful than most of the dogs the Ricker family had growing up

Carolyn said...

Too fun. I have been wanting a dog also. I think pets whose owners have no children tend to get treated like children and don't worry when they do come along there will be a lot less scout posts. Good luck Liam. You'll get one someday.

zachariah said...

Wow, your kinda obsessive about your dog