Friday, June 27, 2008

And again

We had another fun day with Lauren and Gary on Wednesday. We ate some yummy lunch at Tucano's (don't worry Mom, we mostly ate the salad...)and then we went over to Color Me Mine, which is a very popular dating place here, they have them all over too. It's a place where you pick a piece of pottery - they have everything from plates and bowls and mugs, to toothbrush holders, to vases, and other kitchen or bathroom stuff like that. So, you pick one of those, then they have all sorts of glazes and ideas for painting them. We all just chose bowls, and had fun painting them. They glaze and fire them for you, so we will pick them up on Saturday to see how they turned out. Gary and Lauren really like Color Me Mine, but Marcus and I had never it was fun. Also, we had a coupon, which made it even more fun!

At Tucanos:

Gary got a little out of line at Color Me Mine, but Lauren took care of him right away...

Gary, hard at work on his Swedish flag bowl:

And, this next picture isn't really my favorite, but my teeth look really fabulous in it, so I thought I would post it anyway. My dentist was extremely proud of himself when he was finished with my teeth. And really, can you blame him? It's also a really good example of Ricker eyes...

Here's a video of our bowls, we're thinking about painting them on a professional level, since they all look so awesome...

After Color Me Mine, we went to this little Italian place for some gelato. It's run by this cute little family from the Tuscany region of Italy, so it was pretty authentic. Then, of course, we went to IKEA, where we bought some Rhubarb pie. We had some last night, and it was super good (very sour!) so...if you live near an IKEA, you should definitely go get some!


fiona said...

Wow, y'all should totally go into the bowl business, what amazing designs! I like the shamrocks... And your teeth look sooo good, you should send your dentist this picture. Now take care of them! No more bike crashes or car crashes or anything! Very nice example of Ricker eyes, too :) Sounds like y'all had a fun and yummy time!

pauline said...

thanks for posting the lovely pics... and the news...... it was great to see up-to-date pics of Gary and Lauren; they look so do you and Marcus! Love you, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin said...

What a fun idea! Great bowls! I also liked the shamrock one, I really liked the one with the grass and the tree on the outside and the clouds on the inside...and the pie sounds so good too. Y'all are having lots of fun, you should all take a quick jet out to Poland. We were just at ikea on Friday, what are the odds! Oh, and Beautiful teeth, excellent job, Tara's Dentist, and Tara for providing the canvas/structure, what marvelous cheek bones and gorgeous Ricker eyes.