Sunday, June 29, 2008

Long week at the Empty Sea

This week at work was the week we train for all year. For one week each summer, one third of all the Mission Presidents are new and come to Provo to receive training. Besides being available for mission president's personal needs, we are also there to provide close security for those offering training sessions: members of the Quorum of the Twelve and other General Authorities.

We work long, long work days, get great food and get to be around many wonderful people. Throughout the week, I was able to meet and provide security for Presidents Monson, Eyring, Uchtdorf, and Packer as well as Elders Perry, Holland, Bednar, Hales, Scott, Christofferson, Cook, Wirthlin, Oaks, and Ballard. I was also around the Presiding Bishopric, the seven Presidents of the Seventy, and some 50 or so other general authorities.

We spend many hours rotating through various positions (many of which include standing in the sun in your suit) but the highlight for me was when Elder Christofferson offered me his hand to shake and I completely blanked on his name. In my head, "Chris..Christo..I know this!!". Instead I just said, "Hello, sir." Classic.


Carolyn said...

K that sounds way cool. I knew what you were talking about before I opened your blog, because I my cousin Nicole asked her mom how they got all the fish and the water and the sand out of the see when she was helping Nicole pray for you her cousin in the MTC.

Carolyn said...


Sarah said...

Wow Marcus! Very cool!

Rob and Erin said...

Marcus, that is awesome! I've always dreamed of meeting or being near those great men. Way to go protecting so many VIPs. I can't believe you saw so many. Your list of names just kept going and at each name I was like, "no way!" I'm impressed. Thanks for posting...sir. Haha, totally classic!

I was just telling Liam that you had seen the prophet and so many apostles and he said, "Tell him, Wow, that is soooo cool! Write that okay."

fiona said...

Wow, that is way cool! I like the Elder Christofferson story, haha! Now, take a break...

pauline said...

that is an amazing opportunity for you Marcus.... and memorable too, I am sure...