Friday, August 31, 2012

The rest of August

The joys of three-year-old photo shoots:

At least Nora is (almost) always ready to smile.

Apparently it's a pretty painful experience...

There we go.

Teresa always makes us sing these books. Come to our house and you will almost 
definitely get to sing them too. 

Nora was pretty excited to realize she fits in the baby doll stroller. Too bad she bailed out as soon as she saw me with the camera.

Reading time with Daddy: 

Teresa found this little toy iron at a garage sale a few weeks ago, and has been busy with it ever since. Mimicking Daddy, of course, as he is the iron-er in our house. 

You can see the lovely dry-erase marker decorations Nora added to our wall in this next picture.

I love how crazy Nora looks in this picture. Blue is the only color she knows, so it's always the one she picks when she has a choice. 


We had Teresa in for her yearly visit to the Hemangioma Specialist.  An hour in Baltimore traffic and 45 minutes in the waiting room all for seven minutes with the doctor. He told us pretty much what I expected: It's getting smaller and lets watch it for another year. He did say if we felt the societal pressure was too much we could come back and he would find us a plastic surgeon, but I really don't think that will be a problem. She really doesn't have much trouble with it. She was running around with some kids at the gym the other day and I saw them stop and one little girl was pointing at her neck. They were too far away for me to hear them, but after a few moments started up their little game again. I questioned T about it later and she said they asked what was on her neck. I asked what she told them and she said "I just said that is my neck!". She didn't seem bothered by it.  She's a pretty confident little gal, I think she'll be able to hold her own without some unnecessary cosmetic surgery.

Marc had his foot surgery on Tuesday. They removed the loose piece of bone and reattached the tendon, which makes me squirm to think about! 

He's laid up on con leave for the next three weeks, and then will be in a hard cast for another six after that. Then three more weeks in a boot and hopefully back to normal (well, better) after that. We went down to Annapolis to get the stitches out today, which was an ordeal all in itself. Such a small incision, but has been incredibly painful, poor fellow. Especially when Nora is not too mindful of where she is walking...


fiona said...

Nora looks like some little wild child there, with the blue mouth! And, uuughhh! Poor Marcus. Yeah, I feel a bit squirmy thinking about it, too. Crazy how tiny that incision is, but how it (well, the whole operation, I know) can cause such pain, and time off, etc. And T's neck... yeah, she's a fairly self-confident little rascal. I love her response to the curious little girl. Straightforward. And grumpy pics are the best. Don't they know we just keep taking more pics when they get like that? ;)

Carolyn said...

What happened to Marcos' foot? Looks painful. Your girls are beautiful as usual and Teresa's confidence is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Those are great ... esp the barely enduring pics... it's not hard to read the emotion behind them! ... and, then, here comes N with her ready smile regardless :) Poor Marc... hope his foot quits paining him. At least he'll have nicely ironed pants when he's ready for them ... T's doing a good job...heeheehee. You have some avid little bookworms there too! Thanks for sharing ... love you ... Mom (Dad too) xox