Saturday, September 15, 2012


Teresa started playing soccer this past month. She has been loving going to practice each week. If you're ever in need of a reason to smile, you should go find yourself a 3-4-year-old soccer match. They are hilarious. T does a pretty good job in practice, (well, the first half of practice. Then she gets tired and distracted) she gets so excited when she gets to kick the ball in the goal, she throws her little arms in the air and yells "I scored!" over and over.

She didn't want to smile at first because her cleats were out in the car.

After a whole ridiculous run around to get the correct sized shin guards, she wouldn't even wear them, because her socks covered up the pink. It worked out, though, because then Nora got to pretend she was dressing up for soccer too. Nora is pretty jealous at soccer practice, poor babe, she isn't too shabby at kicking the ball around herself.

She had her first game this week. The little ones are so funny, they don't quite get the concept of the game yet, but pretty much just chase the ball around and keep kicking it whatever direction it is headed. Teresa spent a lot of the time being a baby bird and just flitting around the field, instead of following the ball.

This is not an uncommon sight - T just flopped on the field instead of being aware of the ball. Her poor coach has waaaaaayyyy more patience than I do.

Twice she was paying enough attention to actually get to kick the ball a bit during the game. Not for long, though, because after a few kicks she had to come running over to the side to tell me "I kicked the ball!" and give me a high five.

 But most of the game was spent more like this. What can I say, she's a free spirit.

Cute little mid-game team huddle.

Isn't she so cute! I love her.

Some best friend hugging mid-game. 

The whole team:

That's my girl.


1 comment:

fiona said...

Seriously, little kid soccer is just hilarious!!! Poor N&B, never got to do it... I'll hafta try and get 'em all signed up here... they DO have leagues here! I guess M still has a chance for hilarious soccer. Anyway, T is so cute and funny! This totally brought back memories of going to a couple of Aislinn's kids' "games". I think Declan's in particular. They are seriously so entertaining at that age! I would be sad to think that there was any 3-yr old that WASN'T a free spirit, and T definitely exemplifies that well! I love that she just flopped. Hahaha! Honestly, those coaches hafta be so patient, haha! And the fives...and the arms up in the air... I wish I could go see her games! Goooo, Tressa!! (And Nora ;) And I love T's cute little cleats. Hopefully no one kicks her in the shins, since they were cramping her style and she ditched them, heeheehee :D