Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Things they say

These girls crack me up. They definitely make every day entertaining. I've been trying to remember to write down some of the stuff they say, here's what I've gotten recently.


We were at Target a few weeks ago with Mina and her mom. When we walked past the women's bathing suits Teresa pointed at the bikini tops and said "Mom, look at all those swimming nipples!". We started laughing, which she loved, so when we passed the bras she said "look at all those colorful nipples!"

One morning we were all in our bed right after the girls woke up and T just turned to Marc and said "Dad, did you know my little stister (not a typo, that's how she says it) Nora used to be in Mommy's tummy?"

We had this conversation coming in from soccer practice one evening.

"Mom, I see the moon! What's the moon trying to tell us?".
                     "I don't know, what is the moon trying to tell us?"
"It's telling us that it's time to go to bed!"

At lunch one day, holding up her middle finger: "Wow, this finger is really long".

Our conversation after her soccer game on Saturday:

"Teresa, what do you like about playing soccer?"
               "Umm, I really like when you say woo!"

At least we know she can hear us cheering for her :).

Marc was telling her that Nora would be big like her someday. She responded "Dad, I'm just medium-sized!"

I was looking at her picture from nursery and complimented her on the nice A's and T's and R's she had written. She responded "no Mom, they're not nice, I just drew some really SCARY A's and T's and R's". She's really into Halloween right now, so everything has to be scary.

I asked her what sorts of things she thought she was good at. She listed a lot of normal things (coloring, being a princess, playing soccer, etc.) but she also said "I'm good at making wishes, and I'm good at making raindrops. And I'm good at being a little punk".

Someone knocked on our door today, and while T was waiting for me to open the door she was saying to them "We're coming! We did not forget you! We know you are knocking on our door!"


Nora is talking more and more each day, she pretty much constantly amazes us with what she can say. She can count to eleven! Most of the credit goes to Teresa and Yo Gabba Gabba, I think, for that one. She loves to do some back and forth counting where I'll say 1, then she says 2, I say 3, etc, but then she gets excited around the number 5 and finishes on her own really fast.

She loves to sing songs, I'm always surprised by how well she remembers songs. Her favorite to sing is from Yo Gabba Gabba, she'll say "I tied (tried) it, I yike (like) it! I tied it, now I yike it. I yike it!" Over and over.

Tonight she was obviously concentrating on something, so I asked her if she was pooping. She said "Yep. Right here", while pointing at her bum.

She has to know what everything is, it takes forever to read her any sort of book because she points at everything and says "what's that?". We were reading a Halloween book tonight and she pointed at a witch and asked "what's that?". I said "It's a witch" and she responded "Oh. A bitch!". Oh dear.

This one's not a quote, but yesterday in the car T was singing some little song at the top of her lungs. I looked back and saw that Nora had her fingers stuck in both of her ears, trying to block it out. So, of course, I snapped a picture of it.

And here's some more pictures of Nora. The second one is a little fuzzy, but it's the best shot Marc got of her whole outfit. She is such a little ham, and is almost always glad to smile for the camera and get her picture taken. I made her skirt too long originally, so I cute some length off and made her a little matching headband to go with it. Unfortunately it only lasted on her head for about as long as it took to get these pictures.


Aislinn said...

Oh, those girls are too stinkin' CUTE! Teresa had me cracking. up. Look how long that finger is, indeed, LOL! I seriously LOL'd at her being good at being a little punk, too! She's a HOOT! I can't BELIEVE Nora is talking so much!!! Wow! Yay for counting to eleven! That's pretty impressive for a 19 month old! She is so completely adorable in that outfit, too. I'm so impressed with your sewing skills! Yellow and pink is so cute on her...she's like a little ray of sunshine. <3 Love that she plugged her ears for Teresa's singing, too. LOL! Gotta love sisters. ;P (PS. Did you notice that the seatbelt is undone? Maybe it's not the one to the carseat, but thought I'd mention it in case it is and you hadn't noticed.)

I feel like we haven't seen you in soooo long and I can't wait for Jan to see those cutie pies! (And you too, of course! ;))

Anonymous said...

The pics are SO cute ... I love her little skirt and matching hairband... not to mention her big smiles :) They are so funny ... I can just imagine the Target trip! ... and T's "just medium sized" ahahahaha ... N's singing is so cute too! Thanks for sharing! Love you, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Hahaha! I LOVE kid quotes. T is so funny! The long middle finger one had me cracking up, and the colorful nipples... and the good at being a little punk! At least she knows her talents, right? ;) Making raindrops is pretty cool, too! Okay, it's HILARIOUS that she was yelling to the person at the door that y'all didn't forget them... that y'all "know you are knocking on our door!" Sooo funny. Nora's getting so much chattier, too. What a good little counter! And, I just read your facebook post about Tressa and the PIGEONS, and hafta say I hope the two of them don't have a conversation about pigeons and witches while at church or something. What would people think?! ;) Actually, I hope they do... haha! And that outfit is adorable on N! I love yellow on my girls, too, it's just so happy!