Thursday, May 3, 2012

The girlies

I took some pictures of the girls with Marc's camera this week, and when I went to get them off his card I found a bunch that I had totally forgotten about. So. Here they are.

The girls had fun playing with the baby tub while it was waiting to go out to storage:

Little Miss Sassy-pants. 

She looks way too old in this picture 

You might have read this on FB, but T is in love with American flags right now (or 'Merican flags, as she says it.). She first noticed one on my parents wall when we were in Texas, she pointed it out and said "look, that's our flag, just like Daddy's", referring to the one on his uniform. So now that's all we hear when we go out "Look, Dad, there's a 'Merican flag, just like yours!". She gets really excited about them, and was thrilled to find one of her very own at the dollar store. She looked so cute and patriotic waiving it around outside that I just had to go take some pictures of her.

Nora eating her first mango seed. She super loved it.

Here's Teresa's first mango seed, at pretty much exactly the same age. Look at what a cute little chub she was!

She's pretending to be asleep here.

Teresa had a fever the first few days of this week, so we spent a lot of time lounging about feeling poorly. T was on the couch watching a movie and Nora wanted to sit by her. I helped Nora up and T stuck her arm around her, it was so sweet. They've been sitting like that all week now whenever they get to watch TV. 

Nora has really been getting into dancing more lately. It mostly involves bending her knees a bunch, but she likes to spin in circles too. She also looooves to hold hands with me and Teresa and dance in a circle. I took a few videos of them dancing this morning. 

Nora dances from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

She insisted on having her shoes on to dance. And that's green smoothie in her bottle, I know it looks kinda gross.

Nora dances some more from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Hi there ... oh those are very cute pictures... love that one of them together with T's arm around little N ... very sweet. Nice flag pics too... hahaha, Dad & I were remembering that mango seed time with little T when you were here... it's fun to see them about the same age. The dancing videos are great too ... guess she could do more w/o the bottle! She's got a good teacher in big sis! Thanks for sharing! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

My internet is acting lame and I can't watch the videos now... sigh.. I'll watch 'em soon, though! I wanna see if N is taking after her big sis! The pictures are so cute, as usual! I love the "Merican flag ones! And I totally thought T looked so old in the pic you mentioned it on, too (before I read what you wrote). Why must they grow up so fast?! Also, so sweet how they watch TV... :)