Monday, April 23, 2012


So...yet another princess dress that was supposed to be for the T's birthday. Seriously, I'm not buying anymore presents for her until the day before! (Not counting the little pink bike that is waiting in the shed for the 29th. I won't have any trouble not giving her that one early, because I'm pretty much dreading having to teach her how to ride it.) Anyway. I got this blue fairy dress on some discount site several months ago, and T immediately declared it a Cinderella dress. 

She totally came up with that pose on her own. 

Having been heavily influenced by her sister, Nora already gets super excited to dress up as well. Teresa loves it when they are both Cinderella.

I made the girls some finger paints a few weeks ago. Nora was thrilled that she actually got to participate this time. She was not as thrilled when Teresa decided to use her as a canvas. 


Did I say finger paints? I must have meant whole-body-paints...

Messy hands.


Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures ... we love the cute blue dresses, and the poses too ... it's fun to see them enjoying playing together so well ... oh, are they ever having fun with the whole-body paints...that brings back memories for me, on our back porch... guess you got to hose the pair of them down afterwards :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures ... we love the cute blue dresses, and the poses too ... it's fun to see them enjoying playing together so well ... oh, are they ever having fun with the whole-body paints...that brings back memories for me, on our back porch... guess you got to hose the pair of them down afterwards :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Look at Nora playing with Tressa like such a big girl! It's so fun watching the little sis do "big" kid things. I LOVE watching Maeve hanging out and playing with N&B :D What pretty Cinderellas they are! The finger/body painting looks so fun! It's just about warm enough to strip down here and do some half naked things like that outside!