Monday, October 24, 2011

The one where we visit a petting farm

This weekend we went to a cute little petting farm up here with T's little bff and her family. These two girls are so cute together:

We laughed when we realized how matchy they were - right down to their sparkly shoes. T is always asking to go play with Mina, so spending a whole day with her was pretty awesome. This was such a great little farm, there were tons of things to play on and do. Pony rides cost two bucks, though, so Teresa was spared this time around. When I asked if she wanted to ride one she immediately responded "nope!".

She was willing to sit on the fake horse though.

We went on a hay ride that Nora absolutely loved. She really liked the wind in her face and was super smiley the whole time - unless Marc had the camera on her, of course. T was skeptical about the hay ride but ended up loving it, especially because it took us to a cute little mini pumpkin patch.

Sigh. I should have learned by now to have looooow low low expectations for taking pictures of Teresa. She's a little stinker and her belligerent side comes out when the camera does. At least Nora is still at the age where she's pose-able and happy to smile for the camera:

Um, I'm pretty much in love with that last picture.

We did actually get some cute shots of T, just no smiley ones:

A picture with Mom? Oh, the horrors. Actually, this pic was right after she got her diaper changed. In a pumpkin patch. On an incline. She didn't love it, but it had to be done.

And then we attempted some sibling shots:

Yeah, not so much.

After the pumpkins we got to feed some goats! T was pretty excited, because we could hear the sheep baa-ing while we were looking at pumpkins, and she couldn't wait to go see them.

The girls and their Dads:

Nora's bum:

Teresa LOVED riding on this cow train. She was so cute, waving at us most of the way around the little trail.

During the cow train Nora was chatting it up with Marc. She was jabbering at him and gesturing emphatically with her little arm, she totally reminded me of cousin Maeve.

As soon as T was plopped up there next to Humpty Dumpty she started saying "get Teresa down!". Once she was safely on the ground she was still really concerned about Mina's safety and kept asking to get her down too.

That's Mina's little sister up there with them in the pic below - she's two-ish months younger than Nora.

Didn't I tell you they were cute together?


David said...

Wow, what a great post. Beautiful children. Nora does look like she is well able to express her opinions! T and Mina are indeed very cute together.
Love, Dad (and Mom, although I don't think she has had a change to read this post)xoxoxoxo

fiona said...

Okay, wow! Those pumpkin patch pics are awesome! Nora's should be in a magazine or something. Soooo cute and perfect looking! Heheehee, T is hard to photograph right now, isn't she? But, it's a great representation of this stage in her life! And, yeah, I don't think I'd be in the best of moods after having to get my dipe changed in a pumpkin patch...on an incline... ;) So cute how chatty Nora is, too! You should put up more vids of her, and then Maeve can request to "watch Nora!" instead of "watch Tressa!" ALL THE TIME. T and Mina are cute little buds, it's true! And it's so funny that T was lookin' out for her, up on that dangerous wall! :D

David said...

Hi ... just lost my comments... aargh... but loved all the pics ... such cute jeans and shirt with kitty on it! Nora looks like she can't wait to get in on all the action, and she will prob have curls esp when the rest of her hair comes in. Also glad to see some pics of Mommy & Daddy ... who also look very cute. Thanks for sharing ... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Ahwww! What cute little friends indeed! Haha, their matching outfits, that's great! Nora is really cheesing it up with those pumpkins! She has such a gorgeous grin! Can't wait to squish her! I mean, hug her! That one pic of T and N, hahaha, the one where T is falling backwards and N is glaring at the ground, so hilarious! What cuties! Love it! Sorry about all the exclamation points. Sometimes you just need 'em. Seriously fun day, lucky girls. I like your sweater Tara, way cute!