Sunday, October 16, 2011


Marc has been wanting to take Teresa camping for a while now, so this weekend he decided to do a little beta testing in our backyard. T was pretty excited because Mickey Mouse goes camping in one of her favorite episodes, so all she could talk about was going camping like Mickey.

They set up the tent in our backyard and both girls loved playing in it. Nora was so funny, I put her down in the tent and she just started wriggling and crawling all around and squealing with delight.

Sorry about the sideways video here:

It was all we could do to get T back in the house for dinner and to let Marc set up their sleeping bags. I went out to tuck Teresa in while Marc got some juice for her and she couldn't stop chattering about camping "and Daddy go inside and get some juice and come out and sleep in tent and go camping like Mickey and catch some gooey fish (like Mickey does when he camps) and sleep all night" and on and on, with a big smile on her face.

When Marc got back out they watched some Mickey Mouse and then tried to go to sleep, but T just couldn't do it. After about thirty minutes of her having to keep asking what every little noise she heard was, she declared that it was "too scary to sleep outside" so they came back in for the night. So, baby steps on the camping thing. Actually, I do think if she didn't have the option of going inside to her bed that she would go to sleep eventually, but I guess we'll just have to find out when they take a real camping trip...

On Saturday we went to a little open house at the Fire Station on base. T got to put out a fire:

She tripped on our way out to the car and one of the nice firemen tried to make her feel better by letting her sit in the truck, but she just couldn't get over the injustice of her fall, so this was her reaction:



David said...

Oh those are great pics and videos ... they are very excited about their new experience! What cute little girls indeed ... look at that big grin on Nora! Poor Teresa ... being outside is indeed different... maybe if she'd had Pepper snuggle up to her on the other side, she'd've felt secure between him and Daddy :) ... Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh my goodness! What fun they're having exploring the tent! Love Nora's excited crawl and T jumping all over the place! Was she trying to catch an insect? Or was it tinker bell?
Poor T taking a tumble. What a nice fireman trying to distract her. They are so cute, I love how exuberant they are!

fiona said...

Awwww, sweet how excited she was to go camping like Mickey Mouse! Though I must say it sounds kinda yucky that Mickey catches GOOEY fish... :D I like the fire she got to put out. I was thinking it was a real fire, but the pretend ones seem much wiser. Poor girl, taking a tumble! Fire trucks as distractions are totally supposed to work! The video was awesome! That is one enthusiastic 2-yr old!

Aislinn said...

I love how excited both girls are about the tent! It almost makes me forget how uncomfortable I find tent camping, LOL. ;) I also love that you said you'd find out if she would sleep when "they" went real camping...not planning to join them, Tara? ;) Nora is totally adorable squealing and crawling around! T jumping all over the place, and singing and dancing...such ENERGY! LOL! Agree with F about the "gooey fish"...that's just gross, LOL. Very cute firetruck pictures...poor T, falling and hurting herself. :( She's a very determined child...couldn't even be distracted by the firetruck! LOL

Thanks for was so fun to read about my adorable little nieces!!! <3