Friday, May 20, 2011

Some Tressa Stuff

Tressa is a riot. She keeps us on our toes, for sure. I finally found my ipod again, and was planning to start using it during our morning jogs. T had other ideas:

I guess I should look for some more Tressa-friendly ear phones, because she has no plans to give it back any time soon.

She is talking up a storm lately, she's just always making us laugh. She adores the cat (who we finally named Pepper, but we still just call her 'the cat' all the time). She was trying to play with a ribbon with the cat today. She was doing a really good job, and the cat was actually playing with her, but then T got over excited and made the cat too nervous.

Here are some videos. The last one isn't very exciting to watch, but I wanted to get all of her giggles on camera, and she was sitting in my lap, so...most of the visuals ended up being the carpet and our table legs, but at least I got the cute giggling. So if you watch the last one, be sure to crank up your volume.

TandCat2 from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

TandCatagain from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Giggles from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

She also wanted to try taking a picture, so here are T's first pictures with only a tiny bit of help from me:

Being almost two (nine days!), she wants to do more and more things all by herself. Today as we were leaving to go visiting teaching, she wanted to climb up into the car by herself. She's done it before, but I usually help boost her up at the end, because she can't quite make it all the way. Unfortunately, today she lost her footing and fell back down to the ground. And on the way she smacked her chin on the step of the car and bit her lip. I could not believe the amount of blood that came pouring out of her lip! It was awful, by the time I got her back inside and upstairs to the bathroom, there was blood all over her face as well as her hands and arms. Luckily, Marc is off school this week, so I didn't have to deal with it alone. It looked really, really bad at first, and between sobs she kept saying "car, owie, car, owie". It wouldn't stop bleeding, especially because she kept scraping her teeth over it again (which was really making me squirm, it looked so painful). This was our first slightly-major-ish injury, so we weren't really sure if she needed to go to the doctor or not. We called her doctor's office and they told us to go to the emergency room. I didn't really think that was necessary, but we figured it wouldn't hurt. By the time we got there, T was acting perfectly fine, and she'd stopped bleeding. Her cut looked a lot better with out all the blood on it, and the ER was packed, so we decided to skip it. We went to CVS instead and got some orajel to numb the pain, and a mickey mouse balloon, and those plus a nap have her almost as good as new. Anyway, here's a pic of the injury:

She was not a fan of how numb the orajel made her mouth.


pauline said...

That is a beautiful kitty! Treasa did a great job taking a pic of her... Pepper is a girl, isn't she? Nice pics of both little rascals ... Nora getting so big and chubby too. Aww, the poor lip... that was no fun, but lips and mouths heal fast. The vimeos are great ... the "wibbit" game is lots of fun for T, and the kitty too. I love the giggling!!! T's striped dress is really cute! Thanks for sharing!
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Love those giggles!! She's so cute! I love her photography work too! She has an awesome framing style. Nora is getting so big! I wish I could hold her... And poor T's lip! Yikes! Oh the blood... You guys are having some awesome adventures!

Hahaha, T with your ipod, that's too funny :0)

fiona said...

Cuuute videos! Yeah, those are some pretty awesome giggles she has! She's so enthusiastic with the kitty; good thing Pepper likes to play, too, eh? It was so cute how she kept pointing out her tummy to you :D I, too, am impressed with her photography skills. Nora is adorable propped there in Marcus's "housie" hahahaa! Is that weird to type? Oh well! ;) And poor little lip :( That was sad, but I'm glad she didn't have to have stitches or anything.