Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Teresa!

Today Teresa turned TWO! I can't believe it, time flies, etc, etc. But, seriously, I'm amazed that I have a two year old. She has changed so much over the past year, we were looking at pictures from her first birthday, and I think she changed almost as much from one to two as she did from birth to one. We had her little party and celebration yesterday, and eventually I'll sort through the 600+ pictures from that, but for now, here's a picture of our little two year old:

Okay, that was two pictures. She's having a ball this morning, playing with some of her birthday presents.

Here she is last year on her birthday:

And the year before:


pauline said...

I love those pics of little Treasa! It didn't take her long to figure out how to make her b'day hippo blow the bubbles! I'd almost forgotten how chunky she was at birth at 9#13oz!... and her curls are just about beginning on her first b'day! She is a happy little gal :) Thanks for sharing! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Oh my goodness, she totally changed a ton from one to two! Which is normal, I suppose, but you obviously don't realize it so much since you see her every day. Or not every day, in the case of the rest of us...but you know, many pics throughout the year. I can't believe she's two, either. And I love that birth pic of her. Such a little chunker!! Happy SECOND birthday, Tressa Breege!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh wow! The differences are amazing! Time does fly...holy cow. She's so cute! Happy 2nd Birthday, Tressa-true! We love you :0)