Monday, May 9, 2011

A Cat and some Eggs

We got T an early birthday present this past weekend, in the form of a cat! T adores kitties (or, as she calls them now 'titties'. Awesome.), and we've been debating trying to get one for a while now. We found one for free here on base, and decided to try her out. Marc is allergic, but he's on zyrtec right now, and it's working really well. She is a super nice cat, she's less than two (so about T's age :) and is surprisingly patient with Tressa chasing her around all the time. T loves her bunches already, and I love how busy she keeps T during the day. Anyway, here are some pics:

She came with the name Lizzie, and we're still trying to decide if we should change it or not. Name suggestions are welcome.

This was originally supposed to be a video of T with the cat, but it turned into just a video of T's awesome hopping skills:

hopping cat from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

This morning while I was nursing Nora I could hear Tressa rummaging around in the fridge. I called to her to stop, and she came running in to the living room with an egg in each hand. She then pulled me to the stove and kept saying 'Pease, Mommy', so I cooked her up an egg for breakfast. Foolishly, I put the eggs back in the same place she'd gotten them from. And I showed her how to break open the one we cooked. So I shouldn't have been surprised a few hours later when I was nursing Nora again, and T came running in with one egg in her hand this time. One egg in her slimy, slimy little hands.

At least she was nice enough to break about half of them into that container. It was actually really funny, because the floor was all slippery and eggy, and T could not get up. She was just sliding all around the floor saying "oh no, eggs, oh no, eggs" over and over again. Now that I think about it, I'm a little worried that I wasn't clear enough on how naughty she was. She heard me telling Marc about it later and came over to tell him "I fall down on eggs", with a little grin. Also, how cheeky is this, she only brought that last, unbroken egg in to me because she needed help breaking it open! She even asked me for help once I got over to her and the rest of the eggs. Little rascal. Here she is trying to stand up on the slime.

And here's a video of her trying to stand up.

Fall down eggs from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

I didn't feel guilty at all about laughing at her when she fell. At least, I didn't feel guilty until Marc commented that I was lucky she didn't break her arm or something after I encouraged her to stand up on the dangerous, slippery egg slime. Then I did feel bad. Thanks a lot, Marc.


David said...

Oh, dear ... what a MESS!!! LOL!!! Yes, she was lucky she had a diaper to pad her fall somewhat... so funny! the vimeo of her trying to stand up :) and the hopping one too ... oh, such a cute little cat ... just ask Treasa Breege what you should name her ... 'member who named our "Pootsa" !!! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Melanie said...


Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh my goodness!!! That little cutie! And a cat! She looks so nice and pretty! T's hopping was awesome :0) but she knows it's bunnies that do that, not cats, right? haha just kidding, she's so excited to have her! I love it!

fiona said...

Yay, I can comment! Okay, that kitty is so cute! I agree, go with whatever lil' T calls her... so... I guess her name is "Tittie"? Heeheehee :D

The eggs. Oh me, oh my, the EGGS! I love how she says, "fall down!" in the vid. Poor baby... I can't believe her mommy was just encouraging her to stand up, knowing FULL WELL what would happen!! ;) Oh boy, I hate cleaning up raw egg. Blech! Did Tittie come and lick it up for you? Gotta take advantage of the pet benefits!