Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The one with Granny and Grandad

We've had lots of visitors up here for the past few weeks. Granny and Grandad came up for T's birthday and Nora's blessing, then Gigi and Poppie joined us later in the week. The girls have been loving all the attention - I'm sure they'll be bored with just me to entertain them after all the grandparent lovin they've been getting.

Grandad wanted to visit the Naval Academy, so we headed down to Annapolis for a day while they were here. Annapolis is a totally cool city, if you come visit us, we'll take you there ;).

Nora looked totally cute waiting to go, she's just over three months here.

Granny and Grandad and the T outside the Naval Academy visitors center. Way cool place, we learned lots of new stuff about the Navy here.

And in front of the Navy Ram

After the Naval Academy we took a little cruise of the Annapolis Harbor. T wasn't a huge fan of sitting on the top level of the boat, so we all sacrificed and sat down in the air conditioned cabin instead :).

We also went to Mount Vernon. Totally cool place, we'll have to go back sometime, because we didn't do or see half of what we could have. Teresa was cute wearing her leash, we called it her tail, and she was NOT pleased if we dropped her tail.

That's George Washington's mansion house, way back behind Tressa

They had an awesome little play area for kids T's age, she loved playing with the doll house. In case you can't tell, it's a replica of Mount Vernon.

Granny and Grandad impersonated George and Martha Washington for a while...

Poor Marc was working all week, so he didn't get to go with us, which also meant that I had to drive everywhere we went. I have to say, I've ended up having to drive in D.C. WAY more than I ever planned to when we moved here. Our awesome totally lame GPS got all confused and ended up sending us straight through downtown D.C. on the way home from Mount Vernon, which was definitely the last straw for our GPS. I guess that's what we get for buying a TomTom.


pauline said...

You did a good job whittling down your many pics to the few! They bring back the memories very well ... and it was very fun. Both T&N were very good considering all the places we took them ... and it was pretty warm, those days! T loved the little house at Mt. Vernon ... and she wasn't ready to leave! Thanks! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Fun! Except for the going through downtown DC part... with a screaming baby, I heard. I didn't HEAR the baby, but heard OF the incident ;) Our kiddos always like the leashes, too. Even now N&B will wear their monkey and doggie to dress up like those. Also, I like that George Washington has a cute baby growing out of his shoulder. Nora is so so so beautiful! I cannot wait to see her NEXT month!! And Tressa, of course! Her polka-dot shorts are awesome. She always looks like she's just charging ahead, taking life by the horns!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

What fun! Nora's floofy white skirt is so cute! It does look like a warm day in Annapolis. I love the one of Mom walking T at Mt Vernon. Look at Nora sitting so sweetly in her stroller, I love that T was insisting on pushing her, so cute! Looks like a great time was had by all! Also, totally love the pic of T looking out the cabin window. She is so beautiful....