Friday, January 7, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

We took the side off of T's crib a few months ago, turning it into a toddler bed. She's only fallen out once, so I guess it's been a success so far ;). She had started screaming and freaking out at bed time and nap time in her crib, but once we took the side off she went back to happily snuggling down to be tucked in at bed time. I guess it's just one more way she was wanting us to know that she's a big girl now. She won't sit in her high chair anymore either, she has to be in a regular chair like the rest of us.

Anyway, she's actually done a really great job of staying in bed once she gets in there, we've only really had one night where she wouldn't stay in bed. And it's cute now in the mornings sometimes we'll hear a little knock on our bedroom door and T outside saying 'Mama' and 'Dada'. One night last week we went to check on her and didn't see her in her bed. We just thought it was funny, because we can usually hear every single move she makes when she's upstairs, but this time we hadn't heard a thing from her. I guess she just very quietly got up and moved to the rocking chair. Cute girl.

Side note: how good is the flash on our camera? It totally looks like daytime in there. I was impressed ;)


Lindsey H said...

Oh my gosh, that has got to be one of the cutest posts/pictures/story/everything. I want a little T.

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Aww! She is so so so Cute!!! What a big girl, indeed! Her hair is amazing and her stealth, exceptional. "Mama, Dada" has gotta be so sweet coming through your door, oh, I wish I could see y'all! She must know she's going to be a big sister and that's why she's giving up some of her baby things. sigh.

fiona said...

Oh, she is so, SO cute curled up in the chair! Little sneaker.

pauline said...

We had a good laugh at those pics ... and her curls are so cute too. Next time tell her to park her head where her feet are!
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox