We took Teresa to Baytown for Father's Day weekend, to visit the Milligan side of the family. She's not such a fan of riding in the car, unless someone is in the back seat with her. I sat by her for the first part of the trip, until she fell asleep - right around the time we hit some really rough patches of road, I think all the vibration lulled her off to sleep. We had a fun visit, and the four hours in the car was so much easier now that I'm not pregnant anymore!
Here are some pictures from the trip
Sleeping with Gigi

Her new swing...she loves it when Marcus swings her back and forth in her car seat, so we figured an actual swing would be much easier on him ;) She immediately fell asleep when we put her in it the first time. It's been so helpful this week, she will actually let me put her down for a little while if she's in the swing. It's so cute to watch her watch the mobile.

After church. Of course, she slept pretty much the whole time at church. Before she was born, I kept getting all sorts of advice saying I could get enough sleep as long as I slept when she did, even if it meant not getting laundry or something done (not that I need to be told to put sleep ahead of laundry ;). Unfortunately she has made a habit of mostly sleeping when it would be impossible for me to...I mean, I guess I could have slept through church too, but it would have been a little more awkward for me to do it...

Here's Teresa with her Great-Granny Milligan. Teresa is the newest of her 18 great-granchildren! (She'll have twenty by the end of this year!) We took her to visit on Saturday, but she was pretty upset. Poor girl had been woken up to go somewhere, or be held pretty much every time she fell asleep on Saturday. We had much better luck on Sunday after church. She was so good the whole time, even when some of the nurses stopped by for a turn at holding her. She's so cute when she's sleeping!

Aunt Melissa, Granny Milligan, Marcus, and Teresa

Hmmm...I just realized that she's asleep in all of these pictures. Don't take that to mean she sleeps a lot. She doesn't. She hardly ever sleeps during the day. If I'm lucky she'll take one two hour nap during the day. Then she'll just cat nap for maybe 20 minutes or so here and there. That's okay with me as long as she keeps sleeping well at night. She's had a few rough nights, but usually she's good for one four hour stretch and then a 2-3 hour stretch. She starts all that around eight or nine, but we are totally okay with going to bed that early nowadays!