Sunday, May 10, 2009

I wish I'd known...

So, on Saturday, Marc insisted that we go down to the pool in our complex after we had run all of our errands. I was super tired, and really didn't want to, but he talked me into it. Luckily, a girl in our ward had given me a bag of maternity clothes, which included two brand new maternity bathing suits! So I no longer had the excuse of not fitting into my bathing suit any more. I'm SO glad Marcus talked me into going swimming, because it was so ridiculously fabulous! I almost felt like I wasn't pregnant, which was awesome. Ahh, and it made my feet feel SO good...way better than they've felt for quite some time. And my back too. I just felt so great in the pool, and afterwards, I can't believe I've wasted so much potential pool time! We will DEFINITELY be going back for more soon. I mean, what else do I have to do during the day anyways? ;)

Here are some pictures of our pool:

After our ridiculously refreshing swim, we finished up a lot of stuff to get ready for the baby. We had gone to Target earlier to get some more stuff. We got a super cute baby tub, it's shaped like a whale. Unfortunately, Target apparently doesn't sell cradle sheets, just bassinet and crib sheets, so far we've only been able to find them online at baby's r us. We also got some more organizational stuff and were able to finish organizing all the odds and ends in her room. We never realized how much stuff babies need! It's crazy. Marc put together the bouncer we got for her (husbands are so useful for that kind of stuff!):

How cute is it? It bounces and the little lion attached purrs and roars and plays music too. I'm sure Teresa will love it. Now we're just waiting for her to get here. We are definitely ready! I reached the point of just being done being pregnant a few weeks ago, and Marc finally has too. We just want her to come out already so we can meet her!


J'Nette said...

ohh tara it makes me happy to read all this, cute bouncer! i love my bouncer too! I hope everything is going well! i was so ready to have that baby out of me! luckily i delivered 3 weeks early so you could deliver any time!

Melanie said...

I'm so sorry it took you so long to find the bliss. That whole weightless thing is underrated!! Can't wait to see the munchkin!

Rob and Erin said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed swimming so much!! Way to go, getting everything ready :0) I wonder if she's waiting for her Auntie Erin to get there. Highly probable ;) Really cute bouncer, but the bouncee will far outshine it, I'm afraid. Yay! It's baby month!

Melissa said...

Oh Tara, I'm sorry I didn't think to tell you how wonderful swimming is when you are pregnant. That was the ONLY way I could get relief from the intense pain in my legs (varicose veins) during pregnancy. I spent hours in the pool, especially with Olivia, who was born in August. I didn't have the pain and I didn't have to wear the compression hose. Go...Enjoy...Swim!

fiona said...

Where's the picture of you in your cute maternity swimsuit??? j/k :) Though I'm sure you do look very cute in it! Your pool looks great! That is too bad you didn't discover the wonderfulness of it earlier! Oh well, you'll just have to enjoy it lots between now and little T's entrance... The bouncer is so cute, too! I love the jungle theme y'all have going! Ahhh, I can't wait to see her! I'm sure you're even more antsy... ;)

zachariah said...

I can't believe you weren't using that pool anyways!! It looks awesome.