Monday, March 31, 2014

The one where Finn turns six months

I seriously can't believe that our baby Finn is six months old already. I feel like I just had him yesterday. We took him in for his six month check up last week, a few days after Nora had her 3-year-old check up.

 Oh, Nora. She is a character for sure. Of course the best part of her checkup was when I got to chase a little hospital-gowned Nora through the halls of the doctors office. Annoyed as I was by her rascally-ness, it was pretty hilarious seeing her little Jake underwear clad bum peeking out of the slit in her gown as she raced away from me. She is still a slight little thing, only 30 pounds and 36 inches. She doesn't even break the 40th percentile for height.

We are working on giving up the pacifiers. I read a suggestion online to stitch them to blankets, because theoretically your child wouldn't be wanting to walk around with a blanket hanging off their face all day. So, I got her two favourite pacis and attached them to some of her little lovey/blanket/things.

Yeah, not so much.

 Actually, they are finally starting to work. She finds them a bit too cumbersome to drag them around everywhere she goes. It's hard to really play when your hands are that full, so they are starting to stay home more often. That is a stuffed dragon blanket thingy that Auntie Fiona sent when N was born. It had gotten quite grungy after a few days of being dragged around, so I sent it through the washer and dryer. Nora was so impressed by how nice and fluffy it was when it came out that she asks to wash it pretty much every day now. 

Finn is just a delight. He is a giant, delightful baby. He is 29 and 3/4 inches tall. Poor Nora is only about 6 inches taller than him! He's still off the charts for height, but his weight dropped again down to the 60th-ish percentile. On par with the rest of our babies, they just seem to do that around 6 months.

Sometimes having two big sisters is awesome, because they set up a lovely circle of toys for you to play with...

And sometimes it's not so awesome, because they decorate you with too much girly stuff...

All three of these kiddos are pretty silly. Teresa and Nora are always asking me to take pictures of them with random toys, doing silly poses. (Pretty much all of these are from my phone or iPad, so the quality isn't awesome).


Melissa said...

YEAH, a new blog post!!!
Your kids are so adorable! Have you tried the Pacy Fairy? Malakai put all of his pacifiers in an envelope outside the front door and the next morning he found a gift left for him from the Pacy Fairy. He never asked about them. We told him that she would give them to babies that needed them. Even now, he will comment on the how the Pacy Fairy brought him a toy.
Way to grow Finn! Garrett is hovering at the 5%, but that is better than not on the chart. I think those cheeks in the last picture are AWESOME!!!

pauline said...

I enjoyed those photos ... the three of them are getting so big ... very cute cougar dresses (did you make them?) ... Hahaha the hair stuff Finn's wearing! Also very nice of Marc and Finn ... thanks for sharing all those glimpses into your lives :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Ugh, I am horrible at blog-checking now!!!! Nora is so super cute! The dragon hanging off her mouth, haha!! It totally looks like it would be lovely and fluffy out of the dryer... again, sorry that it is so white. I still just couldn't resist it... Finn is huge. I predict that people will occasionally think he and N are twins in the not-too-distant future...