Saturday, March 8, 2014

Finn Firsts

Finn has just been growing and changing like crazy these past few weeks.  I feel like one day he would be on his tummy and just be stuck there, and then all of a sudden he could move! Here are some videos. Poor fellow, even when he doesn't have a mean mom moving his toys just out of his reach he still has to chase them all over. He will get within reach of his toy and then accidentally push it away when he reaches his hands for it.

Finn from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Foof from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Shortly after he turned five months we let him have his first "real food". He had been swiping at our food for awhile if we held him while we ate, and seemed pretty eager to start attempting it himself. He got some mashed up avocado and, while his faces would suggest otherwise, he seemed to like it. At least, he kept coming back for more, and by the end was grabbing the spoon to help shove it in his mouth.

We had to laugh when he started nomming the bits that had gotten on his foot.

And, of course, T and Nora wanted in on the action too.

He will usually get a little bit of baby cereal or some avocado or banana about once a day now. Or every other day. He is probably not actually ingesting a whole lot of it, but he sure enjoys practicing.


David said...

Hi there ... this is Mom ... Dad's laptop ... The vimeos are so cute!!! I love how he can scoot along to get his ball :) He has his hair nicely combed too ... Also, the pics of the avocado eating are so funny ... those faces! He is growing so fast, and he is so gorgeous too :) That was one of the days you had straightened T's hair ... good job you have two little helpers there as well.. xox

fiona said...

Oh, that's so frustrating to watch, poor lil' guy!! So sad how the penguin (I recognize that!) keeps moving juuuust out of reach! He's so cute. He reminds me of Bran in his littler days... I like how F's hair is neatly combed to the side in the first video, very dapper. T's hair is soooo long! It's strange to see him Bumbo-ing on the table. Totally takes me back to Tressa in Boerne. Prob Nora ate like that, too, but I was not around for that... ;) Sorry I'm so lame at keeping up with blogs lately!!! I blame the demise of Reader. And my own lack of blogging, which I plan on remedying. I should do the sidebar thing like you have, where it shows which blogs I follow are updated...