Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I wanted Nora's birthday to be pretty awesome this year. Last year we had just gotten back from our Texas trip the day before, and went pretty much straight from the airport to the ER because I couldn't stop throwing up. After spending the whole night in the worst ER I've ever been to, you can imagine that we weren't up for too much celebrating that day. Nora didn't mind too much, she was happy to open her few presents and go to Chick-fil-a with her dad, but I felt so badly that she didn't get much fanfare for turning two.

SO we had big plans for turning three. Both girls have really wanted to go ice skating since seeing Frozen, so we were going to take them to a cute outdoor skating rink up here. Marc took the day off work and everything. Then, the night before Nora's birthday we got a huge snowstorm. It worked out pretty well, since she kept saying that Elsa (the queen from Frozen) had made it snow just for her.

When Marc was putting the girls to bed the night before he told Nora that the sooner she went to sleep the sooner it would be her birthday. Then T piped up "And Nora, there will be a big surprise downstairs for your birthday! There will be balloons and decorations and it will look so beautiful, just like it did for my birthday!". So, I was glad Marc told me that, because I actually didn't have too much planned in the decorations department, so we stepped it up at the last minute to meet those expectations.


She was quite grumpy about the idea of turning three the morning of, before we went downstairs. She eventually admitted to not wanting to be three because of the deadline she had given herself to give up her pacis. We assured her that she could keep them for her actual birthday, so she finally agreed to be three.

She was so cute and excited to open presents. Teresa was so great the whole time, too, she kept saying "oh Nora, this is your best birthday ever!" and with each present Nora opened T would say "oh, I'm so happy for you!".

Yes, we already regret giving her that microphone. It doesn't amplify their voices too loudly, but it does play really loud, really horrendous music.

After presents and waffles and the birthday interview we got bundled up to go play in all that birthday snow. Nora was singularly focused on building a snowman. She was really hoping he would come to life like the Frozen snowman, and all day she would go check on him to see if he was alive yet. No luck there, poor thing.

Finn was a good sport about being in the cold. Luckily for him my coat zipped up over both of us. He even got to go sledding for the first time! He was indifferent for the first go, and very much not a fan of the second time we went. 

Nora had been asking for an Elsa cake - are you seeing the theme here? She is in love with Elsa and all things Frozen. My poor cake, I had big plans for it, but things just were not going my way. The motor on my hand mixer burned out half way through mixing up the frosting. You'd think paying eight bucks for something would mean it would last more than a year, right? Luckily our neighbors were able to loan us their Kitchenaid so we could get the job done. Then my icing bags kept clogging while I was trying to make the snowflakes, so I had to change all my plans half way through. Anyway, she wanted chocolate and lemon, so that's what she got. Both girls kept opening the fridge to peek at it all day, they were pretty excited.

Getting sung to:

Here's her first official birthday interview:

She definitely surprised me with some of her answers. I didn't know she had such strong feelings about watermelon, and I can't remember the last time we watched Yo Gabba Gabba. She usually only lists blue as her favorite color. Oh, and snowflakes = cornflakes. After her interview we took many, many pictures of our three-year-old. She was not interested in posing or smiling for the camera at first. I don't remember what we bribed her with in order for her to cooperate, but it definitely worked. Just fyi, there are A LOT of pictures below. 



pauline said...

That was great! I loved her birthday interview ... and she sat nice'n still for it! Good thing you hung lotsa balloons ... don't ya know ya always hafta outdo your LAST party! I'm sure she has been wearing her Frozen dress plenty ... it matches her cake ... which looks awesome! I like your nice big snowmann... yeah, too bad he didn't come alive like in "Frozen" ... poor Nora was disappointed! The snow pics are great, incl that little fox peeping out of your jacket! Thanks for sharing ... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

pauline said...

"snowmaN" of course xox

Aislinn said...

Awww...that sounds like a PERFECT birthday! You're going to have trouble topping that next year! ;) The decorations are so cute and I love the cake! You worked so hard to make it for her...I'm sure she could taste the love. I can't believe how grown up she looks! Her hair looks so nice and thick and she just looks THREE. Man! Where does the time go??? Love the birthday interview! I keep meaning to do that. Such a great idea!

fiona said...

I love all those pictures! What an awesome birthday. Three! Her interview is so cute. I keep meaning to start that. I should just do it now. No waiting for birthdays! Yes, her hair is adorable! Did you trim it to give it that nice bounciness? Poor T, waiting for the snowman to come alive, haha! That really made me laugh... :D And your cake. AMAZING.