Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter and a video.

These girls were pretty excited to see if the Easter Bunny had come to visit them.

(Finn got a pony in his basket because there were five ponies the Easter Bunny wanted to buy for our house, so the girls each got two and Finn got the extra)

I love how perfect his posture is!

I love this handsome little dude.

We made these resurrection rolls for breakfast on Sunday. They were pretty yummy, and seemed to really help Teresa visualize the concept of the actual Resurrection.

And I'm kicking myself that we didn't take any pictures of our kiddos before we headed off to church! Luckily my friend Amy was able to take some for us after dinner. Just picture Finn with a cute orange bow tie, as well.


You can actually see Finn's dimple in this picture! He and Marc have matching dimples in their left cheeks. So cute.

Aaaaaaand here's a video of our little man. He's mastered the crawling, and is experimenting with standing up. He keeps trying to let go with both hands, but it doesn't usually work out how he wants it to. He turned seven months old last week. He is such a Mama's boy, and I love it. He pretty much needs to be able to see me at all times. Still no teeth to speak of, but he's been pretty cranky and not able to nap today, so perhaps there are some in the near future. He is definitely our latest teether to date. He doesn't say much besides da-da-da-da-da and that delightful little hacking/coughing sound you hear in the video. And he loves to bang on stuff like you see him do on the lego container.


pauline said...

That was great Tooks! The girls are so cute, dressed alike. T's hair is SO long, and N's is really long too ... they are such good big sisters to little Finn ... ah he is so cute, and of course that's a great dimple :) The video is so nice too ... interesting how the ball became secondary when he noticed the climbing objects... and, he decided the lego bucket was taller and sturdier than the other container... I love how he dances when he gets himself situated ... and he seems to be so pleased that he is upright! He is busy figuring out everything ... what a fun stage. Thanks for sharing all those nice pics, and the video... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Carolyn said...

Adorable. Am I off base to think Finn looks like Gary.

fiona said...

That video is so cute!! Looked like he was dancin' along to the song, too... He's adorable. I love Tressa's blue striped dress. And at least you got pics of them Easter Sunday. Me? None. Nada. Zilch. Oops...