Saturday, November 2, 2013


We went with some friends to a pumpkin patch a few weekends ago. We completely forgot to bring our camera, which is totally unlike us! Our phone was able to manage a few pictures before its sad little battery gave out.

Pretty much every time T smiles for the camera lately she sticks her chin in the air and flares her nostrils, silly girl.

And, of course, our girls were so excited for Halloween this year. They cycled through several costume ideas before settling on being a zombie ballerina and a mermaid. Teresa really loves all things Halloween/spooky/zombie-ish, so it was no surprise that she picked what she did. And we've been watching quite a bit of The Little Mermaid lately, so that helped Nora out. Luckily she had a pretty fluid idea of what Ariel could look like, so I was able to use some shiny purple fabric I already had for her skirt and then we found the perfect mermaid top on sale at Wal-mart and she was ready to go. I had big plans, pretty much from the time I found out I was pregnant with him, to make Finn a cute sushi costume, but I got mastitis two weeks before Halloween and had a little bit of a freak out about being able to get his and Nora's costumes made in time. So when I saw a little fox costume on sale I got it for him instead.

The girls got way too much candy between the trunk-or-treat at church and trick-or-treating on Halloween night. Nora was so cute during trick-or-treating, she was just so excited, she would exclaim "Happy Halloween!" and wave at everyone we passed. At one point when we were walking she just kept singing "Happy Halloween to every-one, Happy Halloween to ev-er-y-o-ne!".

This one was before the ward activity: 

Cute little fox bum: (and Marc)

And then these were from Halloween:

My sweet little mermaid:

And my very scary zombie ballerina. She was a little worried that her make-up would be too scary for people. Didn't Marc do a great job on her make-up?

And poor Finn got no pictures taken of him on Halloween, so we dressed him up today and got a few pics of our little Finn fox. And, seriously, I narrowed it down the best I could, but the girls wanted to be in the pictures too, and now that there are three of them it's so much harder to pick one where everybody looks good. So. That's why there are so many of these. 

I'm so sad Nora was blocking Finn's face in this one!

I'm pretty sure we should have had T dress up as a lion this year - she totally has the mane for it!

This one of Finn and Nora is officially my new favourite picture. 



 And you know this had to happen:

In case you didn't get on the internet at all last month, and don't get that reference, watch this:

Nora really wanted to try his costume on when it came in the mail. I was surprised that she was able to squeeze herself into it, as it's a 0-6 month size. I was pretty sure there was no way it would fit Finn after seeing it on Nora, but luckily he is a gigantic baby, so it worked out.


the Jorgensens said...

I was waiting for this post! I couldn't wait to see your kids' costumes! They're all so cute and I think Teresa is hilarious! We just watched that fox video a few days ago for the first time. Mina wanted to watch it multiple times. It was so weird. We're getting so excited to see you guys again and to meet Finn.

pauline said...

Oh yeah! Great pictures ... they look so funny ... T looks quite different with her zombie makeup... I can see why she was worried she'd be too scary!!! N is a cute mermaid, and your little fox is so cute too. He can wear it to keep warm later too! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

That is an AWESOME zombie ballerina get-up! Great job! And Nora's mermaid costume turned out really cute, too. Way to throw that together... ;) The fox. Oh, the fox. Adorable. Seriously, could Finn BE any cuter? And yeah, that pic's pretty hilarious of N and F! Next year if T's hair is still... T's hair... you should TOTALLY do the lion thing!!! A zombie lion.